Thursday, 12 November 2009

Women's Institute - November Report

President, Pat Moran, welcomed members and guests. Names were asked to be given to the secretary together with a £5 deposit for the birthday lunch, a coach will be provided free of charge to the Institute. Mile End WI have invited the group to their Christmas Concert on 3 December.

The treasurer reported a further £38.40 had been raised from goods sold from the coffee morning. Crosswords will be available at the December meeting price 75p. Thanks were given to Susan Leng for organising the return of £188.13 from gift aid to local WI funds.

Val Stone, WI Adviser, guided members through the Annual Meeting. 8 new WI's have been formed in the county of Essex. Pat Moran was re-elected as president. Thanks were given to Barbara Buckley for arranging the programme of interesting speakers.
The Christmas concerts in the Charter Hall Colchester have been cancelled.

The evening ended with play readings written by 2 members.

December 2 is the Christmas party. Members are asked to bring cutlery and a glass. Items for the raffle would be appreciated.

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