Friday, 8 October 2010

Free Music Workshops

... with West Bergholt Concert Band on Saturday 16th October, 2:30-4:30pm in West Bergholt's St Mary the Virgin Church.

A distinguishing feature of the West Bergholt Training Band is the regular Music Workshops, which the band holds. They are free and are open to all woodwind and brass players. There is no audition but you will need to read music. Members of the concert band will also be playing so you will have the opportunity to play interesting music with more experienced musicians.

The session will include a range of musical styles from jazz to light classics, pop songs, music from the shows.
The enjoyment does not end there. There is the opportunity to join the Training Band which meets on Friday evenings at the Heathlands School in West Bergholt. For more information on the bands have a look at our website,

If you play a woodwind or brass instrument and would like to have an enjoyable afternoon of music, make a note for 2:30pm, 16 October, St Mary the Virgin Church, West Bergholt.

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