Monday, 10 May 2010

Womens Institute - May Report

President Pat Moran welcomed members to the meeting. A letter had been received from St Helena Hospice thanking everyone for their home made cakes.

Letters and phone calls from visiting WI's thanked our W I for the enjoyable Fashion Show.

There will be a stall at the village fete at Heathlands Primary school on Saturday 19 June. Helpers and contributions of cakes and preserves are required.

The resolution for food to be labelled with the country it comes from not where processed was unanimously carried. The president will attend the National AGM in Cardiff to vote for this.

Ancient Greek Jewellery

Simon Gallup, a blue badge holder spoke about Flatford and Constable Country. With the aid of two screens his audience could compare Constable's paintings and how in some cases the countryside has changed.

The annual outing on July 7 is to Carter's Vineyard which includes lunch; £15 payable next month. Congratulations to member Marie -Louise Fuell who won the Essex Tea Time Quiz.

June 2 meeting welcomes Mrs Diana Pettit with her talk on the 'History of Jewellery.

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