The president Pat Moran was pleased to announce that £35 had been donated to the Red Cross by members who were unable to attend the late president's funeral. A letter of thanks was received from Joyce Woolhead's son.
Crosswords will be available at the April meeting price 75p. Once again fresh, not frozen, cakes will be made for St Helena Hospice. They can be brought to the meeting next month or given to a committee member.
Judith Fletcher was thanked for the WI reports she has produced for the Village Bulletin. Jacqui Hunns will take over.
John Morgan from Colchester Town Watch in full regalia gave an enlightening talk on its history with the aid of Tony Simons also in full armour/dress. He brought along armour, fighting equipment including swords and pikes.
Following refreshments two members spoke about their former careers. One as a London librarian the other a hypnotherapist.
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