Thursday, 12 June 2008

Women's Institute - June Report

The president welcomed over 60 visitors and members who had dressed for Ascot. The speaker, Mrs Barbara Faulkener, entertained with her talk about Ascot and awarded a badge to the best hat worn at each table.

Cakes for the village fete on Saturday 21June may be taken to Mesdames Chittenden, Hollock or Fuell beforehand or after 1pm to the W I stall at Heathlands Primary School on the day.

The July outing is to Wrabness for a ploughman's lunch followed by a visit to Harwich or a garden centre. Members will use cars and there will be no meeting in the Orpen Memorial Hall on Wednesday 2 July.

A programme meeting will be held at the home of the president on 25 June at 2pm.

The meeting on Wednesday 6 August beginning at 7.15pm will be Gordon Bailey on "Treasure Beneath Our Feet."

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