Monday, 12 May 2008

Women's Institute - May Report

The president Joyce Woolhead had received a letter from St Helena Hospice thanking members who had made cakes for them. A team will be taking part in the annual village quiz next month. Cakes and preserves will be welcome on the W I stall at the annual PTA village fete in June. Members listened to the two resolutions and voted to support the non-imprisonment of the severely mentally handicapped who should be treated elsewhere.

Kay Beighton with the aid of slides gave a talk entitled 'Splendours of the Nile'. She and her husband had made their own way down the river in various modes of transport.

Next month is Ladies Day at Ascot and members are asked to dress accordingly including hats. Rosettes will be awarded for the best dressed ladies for Ascot by speaker Barbara Faulkner.

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