Monday, 12 May 2008

Women's Institute - May Report

The president Joyce Woolhead had received a letter from St Helena Hospice thanking members who had made cakes for them. A team will be taking part in the annual village quiz next month. Cakes and preserves will be welcome on the W I stall at the annual PTA village fete in June. Members listened to the two resolutions and voted to support the non-imprisonment of the severely mentally handicapped who should be treated elsewhere.

Kay Beighton with the aid of slides gave a talk entitled 'Splendours of the Nile'. She and her husband had made their own way down the river in various modes of transport.

Next month is Ladies Day at Ascot and members are asked to dress accordingly including hats. Rosettes will be awarded for the best dressed ladies for Ascot by speaker Barbara Faulkner.

Flower Club

The Colne Valley Flower Club are holding its annual plant sale on Wednesday 21 May at 7.30pm in the Orpen Memorial Hall Lexden Road. Donations of plants and seedlings would be appreciated with proceeds going to the club's charity for 2008 The Acorn Trust. Demonstrator for the evening is Christine Makings from Stock with her arrangements entitled 'My Favourite Things'.

Gardeners Association

Following the Association's very successful plant sale last month the club welcomes Pat Welsh from Barnplants (Gardens & Antiques Centre, Turkey Cock Lane, Stanway), who will be demonstrating 'Hanging Basket Culture' in the Orpen Memorial Hall on Monday 19 May at 7.30pm.

Friday, 9 May 2008

New Duck House Installation

The new duck house was installed in the Queen's Head pond yesterday and David Bull was there to record the event in pictures:

'Getting Deeper'

'Removing the old house'

'Adjusting the new house'

'The final installation'

Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Christian Aid Week

Christian Aid week begins on Sunday May 11 to Saturday 17 May. There will be a collection around the village. The Hunger Lunch is on Sunday 11th May in the Methodist Church Hall at 12.30pm after morning service.

Coffee Morning

The above takes place on Wednesday 14 May in the Methodist Hall Chapel Lane from 10am to 11.30am. Gifts for cake and general stall would be appreciated.

Greetings cards are also on sale.

Bring a friend. Coffee/tea and biscuits only 50p.