
Thursday 1 November 2012

Allotment Updates

Since the article about vacant Allotment plots in the September Bulletin a number of people have shown an interest in obtaining a plot and in particular the smaller 5 rod plots. At the same time it has become apparent that some of those showing interest are younger residents of the village who have enthusiasm but limited experience of growing vegetables. The Allotment Committee is keen to support such new plot holders and is proposing to introduce a “buddy” scheme whereby those who feel they need advice and help can be paired up with an established and experienced plot holder. We already have one example of this arrangement working well. If interested you can contact Terry Claydon on 01206 242124 or Email

Please also check our webpage for updates on November bonfire date and also availbilty of horse manure to allotment holders.

Harry Stone (Chairman of Allotment Committee)

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