
Monday 16 January 2012

The wonderful story of Mother Goose

... is the title of the Orpen Players' annual pantomime running over two weekends with 6 performances (2 matinee) as follows:
  • 27th January - 8pm
  • 28th January - 2pm & 6pm
  • 3rd February - 8pm
  • 4th February - 2pm & 6pm
Tickets are priced £4 children and £6 adults and can be purchased:
  • from Ash's Store, Colchester Road, West Bergholt 
  • by calling Roger Milne on 01206 241048, or
  • you can also pay on the door.
The pantomime was written by Norman Robbins and is directed by Peter Cox. Cast members are:
  • Fairy Queen    - Chrissie Wenden
  • Harmony         - Izzy Slater
  • Discord            - Debra Hornigold
  • Clarence Creep  -  Micheal Poole
  • Jill Goose         - Emily Hilson
  • Colin                 - Ellis Benjamin
  • Billy Goose      - Ben Maytham
  • Sage                 - Anne Sexton
  • Onions              - Norma Knighton
  • Mother Goose - Scott Sophos
  • Priscilla the goose  -  Holly Snowling

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