
Monday 8 August 2011

Women's Institute - Quarter Update

Emmeline Pankhurst in
Prison attire
June was an 'Open Meeting' with the president Pat Moran welcoming visitors from other W I's. During the refreshment break everyone was able to view the displays of press cuttings on our 90th birthday celebrations, together with old programmes and minutes.

Ex mayor, Sonia Lewis, talked about her mayoral year and included a typical day. She spent none of the council's money whilst in office and her audience were keen to hear about her various outfits worn for the variety of official duties she carried out. Two walks were organised and members then enjoyed a lunch at Barn Plants.

The July outing was a visit to Perrywoods garden centre where members enjoyed browsing around the extensive area before lunch.

August's meeting was an 'Open Meeting', vice-president, Bea Girkin, welcomed members and visitors. Mrs Louise Reed was introduced as Emmeline Pankhurst. She wore the fashion of the 1920's and gave an in-depth insight into life in prison and the traumas of trying to obtain suffrage for women.

The West Bergholt WI are looking forward to meeting past members on 15th September in the Methodist Hall from 2pm to 4pm to celebrate their 90th year. Invitations will be distributed this month.

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