
Saturday 27 August 2011

The Unexpected Guest

... a thriller by Agatha Christie is the Orpen Players Autumn production directed by Mike Poole. Lost in the fog, Michael Starkwedder stumbles into Richard Warwick’s house to find him dead and Richard’s wife, Laura, standing near him with a gun - but did she kill Richard?

The characters and cast are:

  • Richard Warwick - Paul Michaels 
  • Laura Warwick - Debra Hornigold 
  • Michael Starkwedder - Kevin Topple 
  • Jan Warwick - Ben Maytham 
  • Mrs Warwick - Jo Austin 
  •  Miss Bennett - Chrissie Wenden 
  • Henry Angell - Brian Butcher 
  • Sergeant Cadwallader - Keith Sparrow
  •  Inspector Thomas - Robin Warns
  •  Julian Farrar - Will Parrick 

Running for three nights only between 27th & 29th October tickets are available from Ash's Store, Colchester Road, by calling Roger Milne on 01206 241048 or you can also pay on the door. Find out more more on the Orpen Players website.

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