
Wednesday 19 August 2009

It's official - BYG members are enjoying themselves!

At the recent Bergholt Youth Group (BYG) Club meeting on 14th August nearly 40 members enjoyed an old-fashioned Sports Day. This had been organised by Amber, the joint Club Organiser, and supported by Graham and the rest of the team of enthusiastic volunteers.

Six teams exuded energy as they competed in sack, egg and spoon, three legged and wheelbarrow races. The climax was a tug of war contest which showed how skill can be used to overcome brawn. A good time was had by all and it was nice to see parents coming along to add their support. A big thank you goes to Amber for all her hard and painstaking work.

BYG is now well established with good leadership and management but with increasing numbers it is important that the pool of volunteers is increased in order to sustain the fortnightly meetings. More activities are gradually being introduced but new ideas and enthusiasms will be very welcome.

The next Club evening is Friday 28th August from 6.30 to 8.30. In September a new Club Year begins when annual subscriptions of £1 will be due. The Club is open to all young people from Year 6 to Year 11 so an influx from the new seniors at the Primary School is expected.

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