
Friday 26 September 2008

Colchester Council Open Day

Colchester Borough Council are holding an Open Day at the Moot Hall on 3rd October as part of their engagement with National Customer Service Week.  Running between 10am - 4pm residents are invited to visit the Moot Hall and meet representatives from the council and many others involved in the provision of local services:
  • Essex Police
  • Essex Fire and Rescue Service
  • Age Concern Colchester
  • Colchester Borough Homes
  • North East Essex PCT - health improvement services
  • Leisure World
  • Museum Service
  • VIC
  • Street Wardens
  • Planning and Regeneration & Building Control
  • Food & Safety & Smokefree
  • Environmental Control
  • Animal Control
  • Parks and Recreation
  • Institute of Customer Service
  • Helpline
  • Emergency Planning
Visitors will also be able to enter a free prize draw.  Read more here.

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