
Monday 29 September 2008

BHYFC - Results & reports 28th September 2008

  • Under 10, 9-0 Earls Colne 
    A Sabini 3, G Sabini, L Bloomfield 3, A Marley, 1 OG
  • Reed Hall 10-1 Under 13 
    J Banks
  • Elmden Rovers 0-1 Under 14 
    A Bartlett
  • Under 15, 3-0 Brooklands 
    J Wright, B Flower, A Ponsford

Next weeks fixtures - Sunday 5th October

All four of our teams are in action, three in the league and one - the under 15s - in the Essex County Rosser Cup. Three of the teams are at home, so please feel free to come along and support one or more of the teams!
  • Under 10s are away to AFC Sudbury
  • Under 13s are at home to Frinton & Walton Reds - Poors Field, kick off 10.30am
  • Under 14s are at home to Great Bradfords, also on the Poors Field, kick off 12 noon
  • Under 15s are also at home, in the first round of the Essex County Rosser Cup against Royal Falcons. This is at the Lorkin Daniell Field (Orpen Hall), kick off 10.30am.
Under 10's Match Report

The 9-0 result looks a little one sided, but the main damage was done in the first half when the boys passed the ball brilliantly and made scoring look easy against a team that looked a little shell-shocked!   7-0 up at half time courtesy of the Sabini twins. Antonio scored a hat trick including 2 in the first 3 minutes (one from the half way line), and Gianni added a 4th before the others started getting in on the act.  Aaron added one at the near post from a corner and two superb shots from Luke on the left finished off the half.

The second half eased off a little with our passing, which had cut Earls Colne open time again in the first half, drying up a little – maybe the boys all thought they could score from the halfway line! Another from Luke and a deflected own goal (from Luke’s shot), were the sum of the second half scoring. At the other end our goalkeeper had a couple of saves to make including one from a header, but apart from a few corners the whole match was played out in the Earls Colne half. As last week, the oppositions man of the match was their goalkeeper who was responsible for stopping the final score resembling rugby or cricket!

Final score: Bergholt Heath 9 – 0 Earls Colne

Goals: A Sabini x 3, G Sabini, L Bloomfield x 3, A Marley, O.G.

Man of the Match: Antonio Sabini

Team: J Bowden (A Sabini); J Holden, H Dixon, J Adams (G Sabini), G Sabini (A Marley), A Sabini (J Adams), L Bloomfield (J Bowden)

Friday 26 September 2008

Colchester Council Open Day

Colchester Borough Council are holding an Open Day at the Moot Hall on 3rd October as part of their engagement with National Customer Service Week.  Running between 10am - 4pm residents are invited to visit the Moot Hall and meet representatives from the council and many others involved in the provision of local services:
  • Essex Police
  • Essex Fire and Rescue Service
  • Age Concern Colchester
  • Colchester Borough Homes
  • North East Essex PCT - health improvement services
  • Leisure World
  • Museum Service
  • VIC
  • Street Wardens
  • Planning and Regeneration & Building Control
  • Food & Safety & Smokefree
  • Environmental Control
  • Animal Control
  • Parks and Recreation
  • Institute of Customer Service
  • Helpline
  • Emergency Planning
Visitors will also be able to enter a free prize draw.  Read more here.

Thursday 25 September 2008

Proposals to amend MUGA use

The Parish Council are considering proposals to extend the use of the Multi User Games Area (MUGA) for the community at large and the new Bergholt Youth Group (BYG) in particular.

Before putting these forward formally, the Parish Council would like to invite residents to an Open Meeting to be held in the John Lampon Hall at 7pm on Wednesday 22nd October. Please be there to ensure your views are heard.

More information is available as follows:

Wednesday 24 September 2008

BYG is getting BYGger

With diary dates now set until Xmas what started as an idea is now growing into reality.

About forty young people came to the activities session on 5th Sept and had a good time. The table tennis was particularly popular. We were also pleased to see a number of adults who are volunteering to help. Twelve have now put their names forward including an ex-professional footballer who played for Norwich and Spurs and now lives locally. (Guess who!).

Any more interested would be welcome and should contact Harry Stone through the BYG E-mail address,, or on 241026.

A training session for volunteers is being arranged for volunteers on Sat 11th Oct at 10am at the Orpen Hall.

Tuesday 23 September 2008

BHYFC - Results & reports 21st September 2008

4 teams played last weekend - their results were as follows:
Under 15's
Cornard 2 - 3 Bergholt Heath
(B Flower, B Rout, R Evans)

Under 14's
Bergholt Heath 3 - 1 Holland FC
(A Bartlett 2, T Hodder)

Under 13's
Great Bradfords 12 - 2 Bergholt Heath
(J Dixey, T Youngs)

Under 10's
Brooklands 0 - 1 Bergholt Heath
(L Bloomfield)

Under 10 Match Report by Victoria

The first match of our new league season kicked off at 10am on a sunny and warm morning – summer had arrived at last!

The teams looked quite evenly matched in the first half, although the Brooklands keeper, who had more to do, was on top form and pulled off a couple of good saves and also showed good awareness and bravery. When we finally did beat him, a defender had sense to cover back and head off the line! Brooklands had their moments too, and James Holden had to be alert in the Bergholt goal to sweep up with some good kicked clearances both inside and outside his box. It was equal at half time with both teams having some good shots and some hasty clearances off the line.

James Hirst and Luke Bloomfield were introduced at the start of the second half and this seemed to perk up our attacking options. James went just wide with a neat turn and shot and Luke was causing the Brooklands defence problems with his close control, but still their keeper looked comfortable and was blocking all goal-bound efforts. At the other end the Bergholt defence looked more and more comfortable as the game wore on. With around 5 minutes of the match remaining and just when it looked like the game would end 0-0, Gianni Sabini swung in a corner from the left and Luke Bloomfield reacted quickly at the near post to touch the ball into the net. Despite a concerted effort by Brooklands to get back on terms in the last few minutes, our goal was rarely troubled thanks to some sensible defending with all the boys doing their bit to close down the

Final result: Brooklands 0 – 1 Bergholt Heath U10

Man of the match: Luke Bloomfield (and the Brooklands goalkeeper!)

Team: J Holden; M James, J Bowden, H Dixon (J Hirst), A Sabini, G Sabini, A Marley (L Bloomfield)

Next match Sunday 28th September at home to Earls Colne (Poors field, 10am)

Sunday 21 September 2008

BHYFC - Under 9's - Stanway Villa Tournament

Our final pre-season tournament took place in Stanway in a special invitation event. This was a mini league with the winners being the team who amassed the most points. We had a poor start losing to the eventual winners Lexden Saints in our first game, not helped by some poor refereeing. Awarding a penalty that looked to us like ‘ball to hand’ and leaving one of our defenders down injured and crying on the edge of his own penalty area, the referee only stopped play once Lexden had taken advantage of the situation by scoring the second and final goal; this was despite players and managers of both teams asking him to stop the game! An apology afterwards by the senior official on duty at the tournament was scant consolation!

The boys picked themselves up for a draw and two wins from their other 3 matches, finishing third in the final table, which was a disappointment having come second this time last year – so no squad photo with medals to show on this occasion!

To read about our other two summer tournaments you can find reports at:
Now onto the Under 10s league – our last season at mini soccer 7-a-side - with our first match away to Brooklands this coming Sunday 21st September!

Tuesday 16 September 2008

Bergholt Heath YFC - Results Sunday 14th September

Two of the four age groups had their first league matches of the 2008-9 season on Sunday.
  • The U-13s lost at home to Team Player Youth 16-0 in the "C" league;
  • The U-14s also lost, though more narrowly, away to Cornard Dynamos Yellows 2-1, also in the "C" league

Next Sunday 21st sees all four of our teams in action for the first time this season:
  • U-10s are away to Booklands (Weller League West)
  • U-13s are away to Great Bradfords (C league)
  • U-14s are at home to Holland FC - kick off 12 noon on the Poors Field (C league)
  • U-15s are away to Cornard Dynamos (A league)

For full data on the Colchester and District Youth Leagues please visit their website.

Sunday 7 September 2008

BYG - Youth getting into action

The Bergholt Youth Group has recently been causing a stir in youth activity in the village with an embryonic Youth Club being formed around now regular visits from the Essex Youth Bus.

BYG now has a chairperson, Amber Harlow, and secretary, Graham Pullen, and with the help of Parish Councillor, Harry Stone, they are now looking into the possibility of establishing a permanent Youth Club.

In order to move forward in the longer term adult volunteers will be required urgently. Training will be provided and Police Checks will need to be carried out.

If you feel you are able to help to provide a much-needed facility for the young people of our village please contact Harry Stone on 241026 or through the Parish Council. An email address has also been set up for contact:

Read more about the group and its activities on the village website here.

Thursday 4 September 2008

Art Class in the village

Jennifer Smith, BFA, B.Ed is offering fun art lessons and activities for year 5 and 6 students, at West Bergholt Methodist Hall, on Tuesdays. The first 6 lessons start on 16th September until 21st October) and are between 5-6 pm. The cost of this short course is £35 pounds with all supplies included. Come along and explore painting techniques, collage and craft, with a little groovy art history thrown in!

Phone 01206 368 464 or email for more information and to register. Only 10 children per group.

Currently teaching at a middle school in Suffolk, Jenn has 15 years experience in art education in galleries, schools, and museums in Canada and England. She is CRB cleared and fully insured.

Blooming wonderful

The gardening and flower clubs are getting going again after the summer break with meetings planned as follows:

Flower Club
Following the summer break the Colne Valley Flower Club's meeting is on Wednesday 17 September in the Orpen Hall beginning at 7.30pm. The demonstrator will be Mary Griffiths from Mildenhall whose arrangements are entitled 'Memories'.

Gardeners Association
The village Gardeners' Association autumn season begins on Monday 15 September at 7.30pm in the Orpen Memorial Hall, Lexden Road. Margaret Willis, speaker, will be giving a demonstration on Bedding Plants, their history and uses. The AGM follows.

Tuesday 2 September 2008

Concert Band 'Open Rehearsal'

The Band is actively seeking new members and is hosting an Open Rehearsal on Friday 19th September from 6pm. Players of woodwind or brass instruments of all ages and abilities are welcome to join us to get a taste of who we are and what we do and enjoy making music in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

The Band has raised thousands of pounds for charity and entertained audiences in venues such as the Westcliff, Clacton and St. Botolph’s, Colchester, playing for the Mayor and other local dignitaries. We have also been working hard with young people through school workshops and concerts to encourage young musicians to develop their skills. Playing in an ensemble builds confidence, sight reading skills and experience and offers the opportunity for budding musicians to share their enjoyment of music making with other like minded people.

Awards for all Lottery Grant
Earlier this year the Band was successful in receiving a grant to support its objective - offering music making for all. The Band actively encourages musicians from all walks of life, young and old, to join together in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere to make music.

Founded in 1978 by a local peripatetic music teacher the Band has gone from strength to strength raising money for charity and entertaining audiences across North Essex and Suffolk. The Award has been used to purchase new equipment to ensure that the Band can continue to provide musicians in the Colchester area with the opportunity to pursue their amateur and professional musical interests whilst continuing to support local and national charities.


Over 60 children of various ages from the village had a wonderful time in St Mary's church and hall during the summer holidays.

Teams plied their skills in games, drawing, quizzes, bible teaching and crafts. On the last day over a hundred including parents enjoyed the barbecue lunch.

Kate wishes to thank all those that generously gave their time to help with the activities.

Sponsored Bike Ride & Stride

This takes place on Saturday 13 September from 10am to 6pm from St Mary's Church. Walk or cycle around Essex churches to raise money for your church or chapel and Essex Churches Trust.

Contact 01206 272449 for more information and sponsor forms.