The Colchester and District Model Railway Club are holding an Open Day on Sunday 11 April in the Orpen Memorial Hall Lexden Road from 11 am to 4 pm. Light refreshments available. Admission free.
On Easter Sunday 4 April, St Mary the Virgin church is holding a family communion at 9.30am followed by an egg hunt in the church grounds whilst the Methodist church service begins at 11am led by the Reverend Ruth Ridge.
Colchester Borough Council's Attended Refuse Freighter service will be visiting Orpen Hall Car park this year between 10:45 - 12:00 on 22nd May, 24th July & 18th September. Please note:
no fridges or freezers;
no electrical goods;
no items which can be recycled through kerbside collections;
please bring green garden waste separately to be composted;
this service is provided for small loads and from domestic properties, so you can use this service to dispose of bulky items not normally collected with household waste;
no commercial refuse or hazardous waste such as asbestos, liquids, gas bottles;
no large loads please.
Bergholt Heath YFC are celebrating their tenth anniversary with a Fayre in Orpen Hall and on the playing field on Easter Monday between 12 - 4pm - Entry FREE. Activities include:
Bleep test
Penalty shoot out
Roll the coin
Tug of war
Stocks and a
Special Invitation Match between the Original BHYFC and current Under 16s team.
*BHYFC are particularly keen to welcome stallholders. If you want to book a stall please contact Jackie on 07846 428229 in advance.
... that a table tennis ball can travel at speeds of 70mph? The St Mary's Table Tennis Club might not manage speeds quite as high but to find out more about this exciting sport in our village visit their page on our website or for other activities in the village, select Navigation Button 'Village Life' and then select from the Clubs sub-menu.
The president Pat Moran welcomed six invited W I's from the surrounding area to our fashion show and make up demonstration. Seven models from our own institute paraded the cat walk wearing clothes from Country Casuals and Viyella. Their make up was from the Clarins range.
The president reported a very successful Birthday lunch last month held at the Balkerne Restaurant at the Colchester Institute.
Members are reminded that once again we are requested to make fresh cakes for St Helena Hospice to be brought to the April meeting.
If, as winter throws off it's cloak (hopefully not just for a day or two), thoughts turn to gardening and flowers, why not meet fellow enthusiasts at these upcoming events:
Gardeners Association The next meeting of the Gardeners Association is on Monday 15 March at 7.30pm in the Orpen Hall. 'Succulents and Olive Trees' is the chosen subject of Mark Macdonald from Todd's Botanics.
Flower Club The next meeting of the Colne Valley Flower Club is in the Orpen Memorial Hall Lexden Road on Wednesday 17 March at 7.30pm. Eve Regelous from Witham will arrange her flowers with the title 'It's a Land of Magic'. New members always welcome.
On Saturday 13 March in the Methodist Hall, Chapel Lane a quiz night begins at 7pm. Table of 4 is £16. Light refreshments will be served. Contact Judith on 01206 241969 to book.
The Scout & Guide group's recent jumble sale was adjudged a great success. Despite poor weather they managed to raise £800 in 90-minutes and were still able to donate remaining books to NSPCC, toys and games to the Children's Hospice. Harwich Reclaim bought bags of clothes for re-distribution.