Sunday, 31 August 2008

Website reunites emigrant with the village

The editor of the village bulletin has recently been contacted from Australia by an ex-resident of the village, Isabel Wallace (nee Prior) who left the village in 1968 having lived here for 30 years. Isabel now lives in New South Wales some way inland from Sydney (as arrowed in picture) and is looking to re-establish contact with old friends. She was moved to write having read about life in the village on the village website. Read more of her memories, and find out how to contact her, on the on-line version of the Village Bulletin here.

Grand Fireworks Display - 8th November

Tickets are now on sale for the 14th Annual 'Grand Fireworks Display' at Heathland Primary School. A significant fund-raiser for the school this event has become increasingly popular with visitors from all around coming to see the action.

Tickets/Programmes are priced £3.00 and can be pre-purchased from local village shops or for £4.00 on the night.  Children under 3 are FREE.
Ticket reservations – telephone 01206-240288
Gates open 5.30pm – Fireworks from 7.00pm
Barbecue and hot drinks available.

Friday, 29 August 2008

Music at the Movies

All are welcome to a series of ten talks on 'Music at the Movies' beginning at 8.00 p.m. on Tuesday 23rd September.

The tutor is Prof. Chris Green who says that even before sound films, music played a major part in films. This series traces the development of film music from the 'silents' to current blockbusters such as Pirates of the Caribbean and Indiana Jones.

The venue is the Methodist Hall in Chapel Lane, West Bergholt and the talks are arranged by the local W.E.A. (Workers Education Association) Standard fee £43. If in doubt come and sample the first evening for free and for further details ring the Secretary on
01206 240791.

Thursday, 28 August 2008

Find out more about First Responders

If you want to find out more about being a First Responder the villages First Responders will be available to demonstrate the equipment and talk you through what they do on the mornings of Saturday 20th September and Wednesday 24th September outside the Co-op from 9am.

They really need more volunteers who can be available to be ‘on call’ for as little as 4 hours a month. No previous first aid experience is needed, full training is given. They’d especially like to speak with anyone who is retired or who works in the village and could be on the rota during the day. So please feel free to come and say hello, they think you’d be surprised at how easy it is to be part of this potentially life saving group.

Monday, 25 August 2008

Baby & Toddler Group

The new term for the baby & toddler group begins on Monday 8 September in the Methodist church hall, Chapel Lane from 9am to 11.30am.

There will be a visit from the Health Visitor.

For further information contact Rachel Hopking 01206 242342.

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Women's Institute - July Report

Two visitors were welcomed and information packs were given to new members. A minute's silence was held in memory of Vina Cooper and Heidi Yusoff who had died.

Activities & Events
The outing to Wrabness in July was a success. 20 members enjoyed a ploughman's lunch followed by a visit to a Mistley garden centre.

Speaker Gordon Bailey whose talk was entitled "Treasure Beneath Your Feet" brought items of interesting jewellery made of gold, silver, bronze and base metals which he had found with his metal detector in Essex fields. Members enjoyed the history relating back in some cases thousands of years.

There will be a Summer Tea Party on Thursday 21 August from 2pm to 4pm in the Methodist Church Hall. No charge but items for a bring and buy stall would be appreciated. Members may bring a friend.

£28 has been sent to ACWW who continues to bring clean mains water supplies to all parts of the world. The money was raised through pennies for friendship as every meeting members donated their spare change.

Calendars £3.20 and diaries £3.25 for 2009 can now be ordered from the secretary. Subscriptions for 2009 will increase to £29. The preserves and cake stall at the village fete raised £148.60p part of which was donated to the school.

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Gardeners Association Programme of Events

The village Gardeners Association has recently announced its programme of events for 2008~2009 as follows:

September "Bedding plants-their history and uses" Margaret Willis
October "Your gardening questions answered" Steve Canham
November "Companion planting" Matthew Tanton Brown
December Club Members Social Evening "A Seasonal Tale" Mike Dodsworth


February "What to for 2009" Andrew Tokeley
March "The changing seasons at Marks Hall" Clare Heyes
May "Fuchsias" Bill Wye

All meetings take place on the 3rd Monday of the month starting at 7:30 pm in the Orpen Hall - if you are interested then read more about the association and how to contact them on the village website here.

Cofee Morning - Methodist Church Hall

There will be a coffee morning on Wednesday 13 August in the Methodist Church Hall, Chapel Lane, from 10am to 11.30am.

Gifts for cake and general stalls would be appreciated.

Greetings cards will also be on sale. Everyone can be assured of a warm welcome

Monday, 4 August 2008

A-plunderin' we'll go...

Well not quite plundering and it was by prior appointment. Having won the Best Kept Village award (reported here on 10th July) some of our parish councillors travelled to Theydon Bois to collect the sign West Bergholt is now entitled to display. When they arrived the sign was firmly embedded in the village green and resulted in our delegation calling on local colleagues from the Theydon Bois planning committee to help.

Pictured is Harry Stone manfully trying to wrest the sign from the ground.

Courtesy of help from Norhurst Landscapes the sign can now be seen next to our own village sign on the corner of Colchester Road and Chapel Road.

The full story will feature in the next edition of the Village Bulletin.