Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Flower Club - January Report

Mrs Caroline Dunn welcomed members to the AGM of the Colne Valley Flower Club.

The chosen charities for 2007 were Colchester's YMCA The Foyer and Haven Mental Health Support. A cheque for £400 was presented to each charity. Guest speaker Alan Smith from Ipswich with 7 other NAFAS members had been chosen to represent the Colchester Group at the Chelsea Flower Show in 2007. He arranged two displays in brown orange and blue during his talk to give members an idea of what was accomplished on a much larger scale at Chelsea.

The next meeting is on Wednesday February 20 when subscriptions of £20 will be due.

Tuesday, 22 January 2008

R U young wth nuthnk 2 do?

West Bergholt Parish Council is reaching out to young people with a letter to all secondary school age youngsters, inviting them to attend a meeting to discuss their needs. The full text of the letter is as follows:

To all secondary school pupils in West Bergholt

West Bergholt Parish Council has been considering how best to meet the needs and aspirations of all village residents and in particular how it can engage with the younger age group. It is proposed to hold an informal open meeting where we invite you to speak on any issues which you see as important and together discuss how we can address them.

As an outcome from the meeting I hope we will be able to establish a village Youth Panel which would meet regularly and liaise on a permanent basis with the Parish Council. I expect the meeting to last about an hour.

To help prepare for this meeting, I have spoken with a small group at Stanway School. Also before the open meeting each household in the village will receive a draft copy of the findings of the village survey carried out in 2006. I hope you will read this, and indeed respond if appropriate, as it will probably stimulate your ideas for the village development and provide a basis for discussions at our meeting.

The open meeting will be held in the John Lampon Hall ( at the rear of the Orpen Hall) on Friday 8th February at 7.00pm.

Finally please share this letter with your parents as they will receive an invite to a Parish Meeting to be held later in the year and no doubt issues such as those you raise will be discussed there. Please make every effort to attend as this is the start of an opportunity for you to have a say about what goes on in your village and a chance for us to hear about the things that concern you most.

Don’t worry if you misplace this note as a copy can be found on the village website at www.westbergholt.net. I look forward to meeting you on the 8th February.

Thank you

Yours faithfully,

Harry Stone

Parent & Toddler Group

The group meets in the Methodist Church Hall, Chapel Lane every Monday during term time from 9.30am to 11.30am. Parents and carers are invited to bring pre-school children and babies giving them an opportunity to meet up for a chat and the children to play.

For further information contact Rachel Hopkins on 01206 242342.

Monday, 14 January 2008

Jumble Sale - 12th January

The 1st West Bergholt Scout and Guide Group held their annual jumble sale on Saturday 12 January in the scout headquarters, Lexden Road and would like to thank contributors and everyone who attended the jumble sale last Saturday for helping to raise the grand sum of £750.

Thursday, 10 January 2008

Panto Time - Hansel & Gretel

Tickets for the Orpen Players' production of Hansel and Gretel are now available from Ash's store Colchester Road.

The pantomime is at the Orpen Memorial Hall Lexden Road on:
  • Friday 25th January at 8pm,
  • two performances on Saturday 26th at 2pm and 6pm,
  • Friday 1st February 8pm and
  • two performances on Saturday 2nd at 2pm and 8pm.
Tickets are priced children £3 adults £5 apart from the 8pm performance on 2nd February which is is priced £5 for everyone.

Contact Roger Milne on 01206 241048 to reserve tickets.

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Chitts Hill Road Closures

Further notices have been issued in respect of road closures at Chitts Hill to allow railway works to take place. The affected dates are Sundays 13th, 20th & 27th January and 3rd February starting from 1am and due to be finishing by 4am on the following Monday in each case. More details are available here.

Friday, 4 January 2008

Women's Institute - January Report

The president Joyce Woolhead welcomed new members to the January meeting. A birthday card had been received from the Federation to congratulate West Bergholt W I on being 87 years old. There will be no birthday lunch in February.

With over 200 donations from members last month, 16 parcels were made up and sent to the soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The 6 resolutions were summarised by the president and voted on by members. The top two will be forwarded to London. The sales table in February will include any unwanted gifts.

The s
peaker on February 6 will be Mrs Gianetta Nosworthy on 'An Introduction to Marks Hall Estate'.

Members then enjoyed several games of beetle and bingo.