Monday, 31 December 2007

Coffee Morning - 9th January

On Wednesday 9 January there will be a coffee morning in the Methodist Church Hall, Chapel Lane from 10am to 11.30am. Greetings cards will be on sale and donations for cake and general stall would be welcome.

Wednesday, 26 December 2007

Open Meeting for Secondary School Pupils

West Bergholt Parish Council has been considering how best to meet the needs and aspirations of all village residents and in particular how it can engage with the younger age group. It is proposed to hold an informal open meeting with secondary school pupils to speak on any issues seen as important and then together discuss how they can be addressed.

As an outcome from the meeting the parish council hoped to establish a village Youth Panel which would meet regularly and liaise on a permanent basis with the Parish Council. The meeting is expected to last about an hour.

To help prepare for this meeting, Harry Stone, Parish Councillor, has spoken with a small group at Stanway School. Also before the open meeting each household in the village will receive a draft copy of the findings of the village survey carried out in 2006. Youngsters are encouraged to read this, and indeed respond if appropriate, as it will probably stimulate ideas for the village development and provide a basis for discussions at the meeting.
The open meeting will be held in the John Lampon Hall ( at the rear of the Orpen Hall) on Friday 8th February at 7.00pm.

Monday, 24 December 2007

Women's Institute - December Report

Vice - president Pat Moran welcomed everyone to the Christmas party.The committee was thanked for organising the food, raffle and entertainment. The new secretary is Marie-Louise Fuell. A delegate is required to attend the County Annual Meeting on March 6 at The Cliffs Pavilion, Westcliff, Southend-on-Sea. Speakers will be Baroness Scott, who will give an insight into the House of Lords, and Dickie Arbiter who joined the Buckingham Palace press Office. Members may attend price £7.50.

The party concluded with Colchester Caledonian Scottish Dancers giving a demonstration and members were then invited to join in.

The next meeting is Wednesday 2 January in the Orpen Memorial Hall at 7.15pm when subscriptions of £27 are due. New members most welcome.

Monday, 17 December 2007

Christmas Services

Mehodist Church
On Sunday 23 the Methodist Church service at 6.30pm is 'Carols by Candlelight followed by coffee and mince pies in the Hall. Christmas Day service begins at 10am led by the Reverend Ruth Ridge.
St Mary the Virgin
On Christmas Eve the Crib Service begins at 3pm. Carol service at 6.30pm and Midnight Communion at 11.30pm. Christmas Day is a Family Service at 9.30am.

Lorkin Daniell Field Closure

The Charity Commissioners will close the Lorkin Daniell Field to the public on Christmas Day only.

Monday, 10 December 2007

Flower Club - November Update

The Christmas open meeting of the Colne Valley Flower Club was a complete sell out with national demonstrator Ian Lloyd from Cheshire. He was given a large budget which reflected in his unusal flower arrangements.
A charity lunch held at Westwood Park by kind permission of Mrs Joan Bunting, raised over £400 for the club's two local charities chosen for 2007. Some of the committee demonstrated uncomplicated flower arrangements and Christmas wreaths which members could attempt at home.
There is no December meeting but the club will restart on January 16 with the AGM followed by a talk in the Orpen Memorial Hall starting at 7.30pm.

Christmas Events with Music

The following week sees a number of seasonal musical events.

Village Concert Band
On Saturday 15 December the village concert band will be performing A Christmas Festival in St Mary's church at 7.30pm in aid of church charities. Tickets can be purchased on the door.

St Mary's Church
On Sunday 16 there will be a family service at 9.30am in St Mary's New Church Road followed later on at 2.30pmby a service of Carols by Candlelight will be held in the OLD CHURCH Hall Road.

Carol Singing
On Tuesday 18 December meeting at 6.30pm at the Brewery Gates Colchester Road carol singers will be collecting around the village for National Childrens' Homes. Anyone is welcome to join them.

Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Concert band

On Saturday 15 December the village Concert Band will be performing A Christmas Festival in St Mary's Church, New Church Road beginning at 7.30pm. Tickets may be purchased on the door. Refreshments will be available during the interval. All proceeds to church charities.

Coffee Morning

A coffee morning takes place in the Methodist Church Hall on Wednesday 12 December from 10am to 11.30am. Gifts for cake and general stall would be appreciated. Greetings cards will be on sale.