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Following the summer break members took advantage of the offer to bring a friend free with a dozen guests being welcomed by the chairman. Alan Clark from Braintree was thanked for stepping in at short notice with his arrangements.
Tickets are now on sale for the Christmas meeting on November 21 when National demonstrator Ian Lloyd from Cheshire will arrange his flowers around the title 'A Candlelit Christmas'. £6 members £8.50 guests.
A charity lunch will take place at Westwood Park on Saturday December 1 from 12noon to 2pm with limited tickets price £5. There will be flower arrangers on hand to entertain. Proceeds to the club's charities YMCA, The Foyer and Haven Mental Health Support. Tickets available on 01206 240581 or at the meeting on 17 October.
A Christian Aid tea held at The Grays in the village recently raised £206.75p. The money will be used to help poor people around the world.
First responders are having a recruitment drive this Saturday in the premises of the Co-op supermarket in Chapel Road from 9am to 2pm. Anyone interested can come along for a chat and receive further information or contact co-ordinator Annie Neish on 01206 240469.
Following the above Methodist service fruit and produce were distributed to Colchester Night Shelter and the Women's and Children's Refuge. Thanks to everyone who donated goods for the service.
The vice-president Pat Moran welcomed 3 visitors to the meeting. The tea party held in the Methodist church hall was a success with over £100 being raised for funds. Congratulations were given to Jeanne Dean who won the Yorkshire Tea competition. A selecton of small garments and teddies were on display. These had been knitted by Jeanne and Heidi and would be sent to the orphanages in Romania.
The president Joyce Woolhead presented flowers together with a card signed from all the members to Marjorie Thomas a long standing member who is leaving the village and will join her local Balkerne Gardens group.
The speaker, Linda Scoles, who arrived in England from America in 1971 with her husband who served on the Lakenheath airbase, gave an amusing talk entitled 'Divided by a Common Language'. Members were amazed at how many expressions had totally different interpretations.
The next coffee morning in the church hall Chapel Lane is Wednesday 12 September from 10am to 11.30am. Gifts for cake and general stall would be appreciated. Greetings cards will be on sale.The Harvest Festival service takes place on Sunday 16 September led by Minister Reverend Ruth Ridge at 11am. followed by lunch at 12.30. Donations of flowers, fruit and produce will be welcome together with help from 9.30am on Saturday 15. Harvest goods will be distributed to the elderly and housebound in the village as well as Colchester Night Shelter and Women's and Children's Refuge.
The Autumn course begins on 25 September with the subject entitled Britain and the Sea. The tutor is Roger Beckett. The 10 week course starts at 8pm to 9.45pm in the Methodist Church Hall with wheelchair access and a LOOP system by prior request. Fees £40 with concessions £34. If unsure sample the first evening free. Further information 01206 240791.
The new season of the village Gardeners Association begins on Monday 17 September in the Orpen Memorial Hall at 7.30pm. Speaker Bill Wye will talk about the cultivation and care of fuchsias. New members most welcome.
The Colne Valley Flower Club resumes its meetings on Wednesday 19 September in the Orpen Memorial Hall at 7.30pm. Arranger Anne Bell from Newport will demonstrate her flowers with the title 'From Me to You'. The evening is an invitation to come along for free.