Monday, 6 August 2007

Women's Institute - July Report

Vice-president Mrs Pat Moran welcomed members and visitors to the meeting. A minute's silence was held in remembrance of Claire Short a valued and long standing member who contributed so much to our W I.

The next drama group meeting will be held at the home of Pat Beeching on Monday 17 September. There is to be a W I Summer Tea Party in the Methodist Church Hall Chapel Lane on Thursday 23 August from 2pm to 4pm. No charge for this event but bric a brac and cakes would be appreciated.

Orders for calendars £3.25 and diaries £3.20 are now being taken by the treasurer.

Subscriptions for 2008 will be £27 which includes the new W I magazine.

Secretary Susan Leng read out the delegate's report from the London AGM which 5,000 attended. £83,000 was raised for the W I Denman College near Oxford from the sponsored bike ride in Cuba.

Mr Peter Minter was welcomed with his illustrated talk on the history of bricks. Members heard all about his local brick works with the re-construction of his kilns. Many famous buildings including Hampton Court and St Pancras Station have used his skills to produce unusual bricks in whatever shape and colour required so buildings can be restored to their former glory. A truly fascinating evening.

Next meeting in the Orpen Memorial Hall is Wednesday 5 September when Linda Scoles talks on 'Divided by a Common Language'. Competition an article from USA.

Thursday, 2 August 2007

Braiswick Road Bridge Replacement

The Highways Agency are now nearing completion of this project and expect to remove the old bridge overnight on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th August. This will involve closure of the A12 Colchester By-Pass with diversions through the town centre and traffic controls on Braiswick Road itself. More details are available on the village website here.