Monday, 31 December 2007

Coffee Morning - 9th January

On Wednesday 9 January there will be a coffee morning in the Methodist Church Hall, Chapel Lane from 10am to 11.30am. Greetings cards will be on sale and donations for cake and general stall would be welcome.

Wednesday, 26 December 2007

Open Meeting for Secondary School Pupils

West Bergholt Parish Council has been considering how best to meet the needs and aspirations of all village residents and in particular how it can engage with the younger age group. It is proposed to hold an informal open meeting with secondary school pupils to speak on any issues seen as important and then together discuss how they can be addressed.

As an outcome from the meeting the parish council hoped to establish a village Youth Panel which would meet regularly and liaise on a permanent basis with the Parish Council. The meeting is expected to last about an hour.

To help prepare for this meeting, Harry Stone, Parish Councillor, has spoken with a small group at Stanway School. Also before the open meeting each household in the village will receive a draft copy of the findings of the village survey carried out in 2006. Youngsters are encouraged to read this, and indeed respond if appropriate, as it will probably stimulate ideas for the village development and provide a basis for discussions at the meeting.
The open meeting will be held in the John Lampon Hall ( at the rear of the Orpen Hall) on Friday 8th February at 7.00pm.

Monday, 24 December 2007

Women's Institute - December Report

Vice - president Pat Moran welcomed everyone to the Christmas party.The committee was thanked for organising the food, raffle and entertainment. The new secretary is Marie-Louise Fuell. A delegate is required to attend the County Annual Meeting on March 6 at The Cliffs Pavilion, Westcliff, Southend-on-Sea. Speakers will be Baroness Scott, who will give an insight into the House of Lords, and Dickie Arbiter who joined the Buckingham Palace press Office. Members may attend price £7.50.

The party concluded with Colchester Caledonian Scottish Dancers giving a demonstration and members were then invited to join in.

The next meeting is Wednesday 2 January in the Orpen Memorial Hall at 7.15pm when subscriptions of £27 are due. New members most welcome.

Monday, 17 December 2007

Christmas Services

Mehodist Church
On Sunday 23 the Methodist Church service at 6.30pm is 'Carols by Candlelight followed by coffee and mince pies in the Hall. Christmas Day service begins at 10am led by the Reverend Ruth Ridge.
St Mary the Virgin
On Christmas Eve the Crib Service begins at 3pm. Carol service at 6.30pm and Midnight Communion at 11.30pm. Christmas Day is a Family Service at 9.30am.

Lorkin Daniell Field Closure

The Charity Commissioners will close the Lorkin Daniell Field to the public on Christmas Day only.

Monday, 10 December 2007

Flower Club - November Update

The Christmas open meeting of the Colne Valley Flower Club was a complete sell out with national demonstrator Ian Lloyd from Cheshire. He was given a large budget which reflected in his unusal flower arrangements.
A charity lunch held at Westwood Park by kind permission of Mrs Joan Bunting, raised over £400 for the club's two local charities chosen for 2007. Some of the committee demonstrated uncomplicated flower arrangements and Christmas wreaths which members could attempt at home.
There is no December meeting but the club will restart on January 16 with the AGM followed by a talk in the Orpen Memorial Hall starting at 7.30pm.

Christmas Events with Music

The following week sees a number of seasonal musical events.

Village Concert Band
On Saturday 15 December the village concert band will be performing A Christmas Festival in St Mary's church at 7.30pm in aid of church charities. Tickets can be purchased on the door.

St Mary's Church
On Sunday 16 there will be a family service at 9.30am in St Mary's New Church Road followed later on at 2.30pmby a service of Carols by Candlelight will be held in the OLD CHURCH Hall Road.

Carol Singing
On Tuesday 18 December meeting at 6.30pm at the Brewery Gates Colchester Road carol singers will be collecting around the village for National Childrens' Homes. Anyone is welcome to join them.

Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Concert band

On Saturday 15 December the village Concert Band will be performing A Christmas Festival in St Mary's Church, New Church Road beginning at 7.30pm. Tickets may be purchased on the door. Refreshments will be available during the interval. All proceeds to church charities.

Coffee Morning

A coffee morning takes place in the Methodist Church Hall on Wednesday 12 December from 10am to 11.30am. Gifts for cake and general stall would be appreciated. Greetings cards will be on sale.

Friday, 30 November 2007

Bergholt Heath Youth Football Team

The new season is well underway and it is pleasing to report that our latest team, Under 9, is lying second in their league, having won four of their first six games. Our Under 12 team is finding it tough going following their promotion and is looking for more players, so let me know if you have a budding Gareth, Barry or Gabby Agbonlahor (sorry I am biased!)

The two older age groups are progressing well with the Under 13 team mid-table and the Under 14 team blazing the trail at the top of their league. The possibility of a Bergholt Team in the A League next season looks good - but as Stuart Hill, our manager, says - it is a marathon not a sprint. He is clearly over the moon at the moment though!

Our kick-off barbecue provided a great curtain raiser to the season - raising funds for the cause. The Under 14 team will be carrying on the theme for the season by selling burgers and sausages at their home games at Orpen Field - so why not come along, cheer the lads on and tuck in. Hot drinks and other solid and liquid refreshments are always available as well.

The next social event is our traditional bowling evening for the boys on the day of the last game before Christmas. This falls on 16 December and is free to all playing members. More details are obtainable from your manager.

Please continue to support the club and offers of sponsorship on any basis are welcome, be it our awards evening, kit or even a donation!

Leslie Wright, Secretary, Telephone 241438

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

What the Rocks Say

That is the title of the next course being run by the WEA.

All are welcome to this series of ten talks by Lynn Porter from Clacton. The aim of the course is to understand the geology of Essex. We will look at some general principles and move on to the particulars of Essex and consider fossil evidence. The story of the rocks will take us through global and regional events and how they affect us.

The course starts on Tuesday 8th January at 8.00 p.m. in the Methodist Hall, Chapel Lane (wheelchair access and LOOP system on request). Standard fee £40 Concessions £34. If uncertain whether this is for you, come and sample the first evening for free with no obligation. Further info. ring secretary on 01206 240791

Road Closures - Spring Lane/Bakers Lane

Closure of Spring Lane & Bakers Lane (as detailed below) is required between 8am on Monday 10th December and 5pm on Friday 14th December to facilitate anti-skid works.
  • Spring Lane – between its junctions with Spring Lane Roundabout and Bakers Lane
  • Bakers Lane – between its junctions with Spring Lane and Braiswick
An alternative route for both closures is available via Cymbeline Way, Station Way, North Station Road and the B1508 Bergholt Road/Braiswick.
Access to property will be maintained during the closure.

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Road Closures at Chitts Hill

Further road closures are planned at the level crossing as follows:
  • Between 1am on Sunday 25th November and 4am on Monday 26th November
  • Between 1am on Sunday 2nd December 2007 and 4am on Monday 3rd December
  • Between 1am on Sunday 9th December 2007 and 4am on Monday 10th December

An alternative route is available via Halstead Road, Spring Lane and Argents Lane.

Access to property will be maintained during the closure. Cyclists, pedestrians, prams and wheelchairs will be able to ride through the closure.

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Christmas Coffee Morning - 24th November

A Christmas Coffee Morning takes place on Saturday 24 November in the Methodist Church hall, Chapel Lane from 10am to 12noon. As well as the usual stalls there will be a mystery parcel stall. Everyone most welcome.

Thursday, 8 November 2007

Neighbourhood Watch on the Lookout

Yesterday local community police officers informed the Neighbourhood Watch of a stolen van within an hour of its disappearance; within 10 minutes of that over 30 Neighbourhood Watch volunteers were already keeping their eyes open for it.

This is business as usual for West Bergholt Neighbourhood Watch who are not only ever watchful for crime but always wiling to help the police solve them wherever possible by being their eyes and ears in the village. If you want to add yours to them, find out more about their activities

Women's Institute - November Report

President, Mrs Joyce Woolhead, welcomed guests and new member Winnie Mc Climont who received the revised W I information pack. Mrs Lampon and Mrs Beeching will form a committee for Members Evening.

The secretary asked for toiletries to be brought to the December meeting which will be sent to soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan who do not have families to support them. Post will be free.

The treasurer reminded members that diaries and calendars are ready for collection and the W I subscription for 2008 payable in January will be £27. There will be no coach transport to the carol service in Chelmsford cathedral.

The winners of the competition for 2007 are 1st 'Rene Keates joint second Joyce Hollock and Marie-Louise Fuell.

The AGM followed with guidance from Judith Rose. Joyce Woolhead was re-elected as president.
Bea Girkin gave her report on the half yearly council meeting and members learnt that when the WI was founded the weekly wage in 1917 was £1 and 90 years on it is £206.

There are 4 new WI's in Essex making a total of 224 with membership at 8482.

Following the AGM members enjoyed 3 sketches from the play reading drama group. This included the sketch entered in the Denman Competition by 'Rene Keates who received a very complimentary report on her writing.

Next month is the Christmas party beginning at the earlier time of 7pm and members are reminded to bring knife fork and spoon plus a wineglass.

Monday, 29 October 2007

Grand Fireworks Display - 3d November

On Saturday 3 November Heathlands Primary School will be holding a Grand Fireworks Display with gates opening at 5.30pm and fireworks beginning at 7pm. Tickets from local stores price £3 with £4 on the night. Many side stalls, entertainment and a wide variety of food on sale.

Craft Fayre - 10th November

On Saturday 10 November from 10am to 3pm St Mary's Church is holding a Craft Fayre in the church hall. Many individual stalls with ideas for Christmas gifts. Refreshments available. Free admission with proceeds to church funds.

Service of Rermembrance

On Sunday 11 November St Mary the Virgin church together with the Methodist church are holding a joint service in the Orpen Memorial Hall Lexden Road at 10.45am. The Reverend Ruth Ridge will lead the service.

Coffee Morning - 14th November

On Wednesday 14 November the above will take place at the Methodist Hall from 10am to 11.30am. Gifts for cake and general stalls would be appreciated. Greetings cards will be on sale.

Monday, 15 October 2007

Support Speed Watch

Concerned at the problem of speeding in the village, a number of villagers are keen to see the village establish a Speed Watch Team such as that already active or under way in some other Essex villages and towns.

Working in pairs, after full training has been given, Speed Watch volunteers will typically be allocated a short shift each month during which time they will measure the speed of offenders and provide a record of those exceeding the limits to Essex Police. Essex Police will then issue warning letters to the owners of the offending vehicles and if two such warnings are issued will actively target the offender themselves.

If you think this is a good idea and want to become involved then please contact John Ford who will co-ordinate responses. He can be contacted through the Neighbourhood Watch webpage

Thursday, 4 October 2007

Gardeners Club - October Update

The next meeting of the association is on Monday 15 October when Steve Canham will talk about Tree Cultivation. Please note that the childrens' paintings and pumpkin growing competition will be judged in the Orpen Memorial Hall on Saturday 27 October.

Women's Institute - September Report

President Joyce Woolhead welcomed visitors and new members. She asked for volunteers to organise Member's Meeting. The AGM next month will be guided by WI advisor Judith Rose. This will be followed with entertainment from our drama group. Quizzes on tree names are available at 50p from the treasurer. Outings secretary is hoping to organise a coach to Chelmsford Cathedral WI Carol Service at 2.45pm on 19 December with time for lunch/shopping beforehand. Please contact 01206 241969 as places are limited.

Peter Webb made a welcome return with his talk on The Good Life part 2. Members enjoyed hearing about his conservation and the return of barn owls as well as anecdotes about his livestock on the smallholding.

Orpen Players - Autumn Production

The autumn production is Blithe Spirit by Noel Coward with director, Tony Saitta who is chair of the Headgate Theatre. Performances are Thursday 25/26/27 October. Doors open 7.30pm with curtain up at 8pm. Tickets £4.50 on Thursday £5 Friday and Saturday can be purchased from Ash's Shop, Colchester Road from Saturday 13 October or contact Roger Milne on 01206 241048.

Village Plan Now Online

The new Parish Plan is now well under way in its production and a full update on progress is now available on the Village website here. There are a number of FAQ's answered as well as interesting downloads of survey results.

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Neighbourhood Policing

The local Neighbourhood Watch group have long campaigned for a greater presence of police around the village since only with such a presence are criminals, vandals and others exhibiting anti-social behaviour likely to be deterred. Indeed they consider the dedicated police officer to be the kingpin of Neighbourhood Policing.

The most recent initiative to come from Essex Police would involve the manning of local police stations by local volunteers which would have the effect of allowing uniformed officers to spend more time on the streets.

Is this a good or a bad thing? Do police stations need be manned to establish a presence in any event? Are there not better ways to contact local police when you need them?

If you have strong feelings on this subject why not contact the local neighbourhood watch group. You can find out more about them and their contact details here.

Thursday, 27 September 2007

Flower Club - September Report

Following the summer break members took advantage of the offer to bring a friend free with a dozen guests being welcomed by the chairman. Alan Clark from Braintree was thanked for stepping in at short notice with his arrangements.

Tickets are now on sale for the Christmas meeting on November 21 when National demonstrator Ian Lloyd from Cheshire will arrange his flowers around the title 'A Candlelit Christmas'. £6 members £8.50 guests.

A charity lunch will take place at Westwood Park on Saturday December 1 from 12noon to 2pm with limited tickets price £5. There will be flower arrangers on hand to entertain. Proceeds to the club's charities YMCA, The Foyer and Haven Mental Health Support. Tickets available on 01206 240581 or at the meeting on 17 October.

Christian Aid Fundraiser

A Christian Aid tea held at The Grays in the village recently raised £206.75p. The money will be used to help poor people around the world.

Tuesday, 25 September 2007

First Responders

First responders are having a recruitment drive this Saturday in the premises of the Co-op supermarket in Chapel Road from 9am to 2pm. Anyone interested can come along for a chat and receive further information or contact co-ordinator Annie Neish on 01206 240469.

Harvest Festival

Following the above Methodist service fruit and produce were distributed to Colchester Night Shelter and the Women's and Children's Refuge. Thanks to everyone who donated goods for the service.

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Women's Institute - August Report

The vice-president Pat Moran welcomed 3 visitors to the meeting. The tea party held in the Methodist church hall was a success with over £100 being raised for funds. Congratulations were given to Jeanne Dean who won the Yorkshire Tea competition. A selecton of small garments and teddies were on display. These had been knitted by Jeanne and Heidi and would be sent to the orphanages in Romania.

The president Joyce Woolhead presented flowers together with a card signed from all the members to Marjorie Thomas a long standing member who is leaving the village and will join her local Balkerne Gardens group.

The speaker, Linda Scoles, who arrived in England from America in 1971 with her husband who served on the Lakenheath airbase, gave an amusing talk entitled 'Divided by a Common Language'. Members were amazed at how many expressions had totally different interpretations.

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

Methodist Church - Coffee Morning & Harvest Festival

The next coffee morning in the church hall Chapel Lane is Wednesday 12 September from 10am to 11.30am. Gifts for cake and general stall would be appreciated. Greetings cards will be on sale.

The Harvest Festival service takes place on Sunday 16 September led by Minister Reverend Ruth Ridge at 11am. followed by lunch at 12.30. Donations of flowers, fruit and produce will be welcome together with help from 9.30am on Saturday 15. Harvest goods will be distributed to the elderly and housebound in the village as well as Colchester Night Shelter and Women's and Children's Refuge.

Workers Educational Association (WEA) - New Course

The Autumn course begins on 25 September with the subject entitled Britain and the Sea. The tutor is Roger Beckett. The 10 week course starts at 8pm to 9.45pm in the Methodist Church Hall with wheelchair access and a LOOP system by prior request. Fees £40 with concessions £34. If unsure sample the first evening free. Further information 01206 240791.

Gardeners Club - September Update

The new season of the village Gardeners Association begins on Monday 17 September in the Orpen Memorial Hall at 7.30pm. Speaker Bill Wye will talk about the cultivation and care of fuchsias. New members most welcome.

Flower Club - September Update

The Colne Valley Flower Club resumes its meetings on Wednesday 19 September in the Orpen Memorial Hall at 7.30pm. Arranger Anne Bell from Newport will demonstrate her flowers with the title 'From Me to You'. The evening is an invitation to come along for free.

Monday, 6 August 2007

Women's Institute - July Report

Vice-president Mrs Pat Moran welcomed members and visitors to the meeting. A minute's silence was held in remembrance of Claire Short a valued and long standing member who contributed so much to our W I.

The next drama group meeting will be held at the home of Pat Beeching on Monday 17 September. There is to be a W I Summer Tea Party in the Methodist Church Hall Chapel Lane on Thursday 23 August from 2pm to 4pm. No charge for this event but bric a brac and cakes would be appreciated.

Orders for calendars £3.25 and diaries £3.20 are now being taken by the treasurer.

Subscriptions for 2008 will be £27 which includes the new W I magazine.

Secretary Susan Leng read out the delegate's report from the London AGM which 5,000 attended. £83,000 was raised for the W I Denman College near Oxford from the sponsored bike ride in Cuba.

Mr Peter Minter was welcomed with his illustrated talk on the history of bricks. Members heard all about his local brick works with the re-construction of his kilns. Many famous buildings including Hampton Court and St Pancras Station have used his skills to produce unusual bricks in whatever shape and colour required so buildings can be restored to their former glory. A truly fascinating evening.

Next meeting in the Orpen Memorial Hall is Wednesday 5 September when Linda Scoles talks on 'Divided by a Common Language'. Competition an article from USA.

Thursday, 2 August 2007

Braiswick Road Bridge Replacement

The Highways Agency are now nearing completion of this project and expect to remove the old bridge overnight on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th August. This will involve closure of the A12 Colchester By-Pass with diversions through the town centre and traffic controls on Braiswick Road itself. More details are available on the village website here.

Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Coffee Morning - 8th August

There will be a coffee morning in the Methodist Church Hall, Chapel Lane next Wednesday August 8 from 10am to 11.30am. Stalls include cakes, bric-a-brac and greetings cards.

Flower Club - July Report

The Colne Valley Flower Club planned open garden evening last month was cancelled due to poor weather. All the stalls were set up at the July meeting in the Orpen Memorial Hall and £120 was raised towards the club's local charities YMCA and the Haven Mental Health Support. The speaker Melvyn Prentice spoke about the various gardens he had been involved with during his 28 years as a horticulturist and illustrated his talk with many photographs.

There is no meeting in August but September 19 welcomes demonstrator Anne Bell from Newport with her arrangements entitled 'From Me to You'. It also includes 'Bring a Friend Free'.

Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Sponsored Car Wash

Children from Heathlands Primary School held a sponsored car wash last weekend to raise money to fund a suitable tribute to the life of Daniel Mullinger, their schoolfriend, who was involved in a tragic accident on a school trip to Felbrigg Hall. They exceeded all their expectations raising over £1,000 on the day.

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Historic Vehicle Rally - 28th-29th July

The above takes place this weekend (28th-29th July) starting on both days at 10am in the fields off Nayland Road in the village. Saturdays arena events include Essex Dog Display Team, Massed Scout Bands from Holland, Kite Flying Display and SD Marshall Arts. Sunday sees the welcome return of the Imps Motorcycle Display Team. The Freefall team 'The Tigers' and various bands. The Country and Western Concert on Saturday at 7.30pm has free entry. Proceeds to local charities. Contact Mr Culham on 01206 271253 for further information.

Attended Freighter - 28th July

The attended freighter will be stationed on the Orpen Memorial car park this Saturday (28th July) from 10.45am to 12noon.

Friday, 20 July 2007

Parish Council Meeting 25th July

The agenda for this meeting is now online on the Village website. You can view it here.

Saturday, 14 July 2007

RNLI - a record collection

The village collection for the Lifeboats raised £1,024.60p. The first time to realise over £1,000. The organisers wish to thank both the contributors and collectors. The Colchester District total was £9,109.90.

Monday, 2 July 2007

Gardeners' Association

The village Gardeners' Association programme ended in mid June with members and guests spending an enjoyable afternoon in the gardens of Helmingham Hall Suffolk. The members' stall at the village fayre attracted 50 young entrants to the painting and pumpkin growing competitions. The latter to be judged later in the year. £300 has been donated to St Helena Hospice following the club's annual plant sale.

Monday 17 September sees the start of the new programme in the Orpen Memorial Hall beginning at 7.30pm. Following the AGM Bill Wye will talk about fuchsias. Visitors and new members welcome.

Coffee Morning - 11th July

There will be a coffee morning in the Methodist church hall Chapel Lane on Wednesday 11 July from 10am to 11.30am. Gifts for cake and general stalls will be appreciated. Greetings cards will also be on sale.

Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Parish Council Agenda 27th June

The Agenda for the next Parish Council meeting on 27th June has now been published online here.

Monday, 18 June 2007

Annual Parish Meeting - Report

Mr John Gili-Ross was re-elected as chairman with Mr Bob Tyrrell as vice-chairman. The chairman thanked Mrs Lampon for the clock she donated in memory of John Lampon. This has been hung in the John Lampon Hall with a plaque.

The Environment committee consists of Messrs Johnson,Colbron, Sleigh, Stevenson and Stone.

The village caretaker was thanked for his hard work which includes litter picking, grass cutting and a quick response to repair work on request. CCTV has been installed to monitor the recycling bins at the Orpen Memorial Hall in an effort to reduce flytipping.

The Editor of the Village Bulletin which is distributed free to 1500 households quarterly thanked Mrs Joyce Lucking who retired from the team in March after working on 110 issues. Advertising is very successful and so the Bulletin pays for itself.

Head of finance thanked Mrs June Mayhew for her work as Hall Administrator.

All allotments are in use and there is now a waiting list.

Dave Kingaby, designer of the village website, gave a presentation of its features and explained how residents, organisations and clubs can access and input information onto the site.

Mr Gili-Ross concluded the evening by welcoming Susanne Bowden, David Short, Chris Sevenson and Harry Stone to the Parish Council following the resignation of two members during the year. He thanked the Neighbourhood Watch team in particular John Ford the co-ordinator.

Women's Institute - June meeting

Vice-president, Pat Moran welcomed members to the June meeting. She announced that two members were interviewed and will appear on BBC 4 during one of the 3 programmes. One of the drama group, Rene Keates, has written a play which will be entered for the Lady Denman Cup. The W I team came third out of 13 teams in the annual village quiz. The event raised £250 for East Anglian Children's Hospice. Crosswords price 50p are still available with closing date 24 July.

The Colchester Group Outing is arranging a trip on 1 September to the Aldeburgh theatre to see Private Lives. Open to non members price £20. Contact Judith on 01206 241969 as soon as possible.

Our WI outing on Wednesday 4 July leaves the Orpen Memorial Hall at 9.30am for Hylands House, Chelmsford. Seats still available. Contact Judith, outings secretary.

The speaker, Mr Rob Gardiner, spoke about birds in our locality. Members then enjoyed a game of 15 to 1 following tea.

There is no meeting in July next one August 1.

Monday, 11 June 2007

Village Fayre

The Village Fayre takes place this Saturday (16th June) at Heathlands Primary School, New Church Road beginning at 2pm. There will be numerous stalls run by various village organisations plus plenty of activities for all the family. Refreshments available.

Flower Club Meetings

The Colne Valley Flower Club welcomed Gill McGregor last month with her arrangements entitled As Summer Approaches. Her audience enjoyed her humorous stories as she arranged her flowers. The plant stall raised £65 towards the club's chosen charities for 2007 Haven Mental Health and The Forum YMCA Colchester.

On Wednesday 20 June in the Orpen Memorial Hall Lexden Road Sandra Price from Walton on the Naze will demonstrate with her title Wouldn't it be Lovely beginning at 7.30pm.

Open Gardens

Arranged by the Flower Club:

On Thursday July 5 there will be Open Gardens at Charnwood Wormingford. Open to non-members with parking available at the village hall. All proceeds to the club's charities. Further details on 01787 228117

Thursday, 7 June 2007

Waste Disposal/Recycling - Attended Freighter Dates

Colchester Borough Council's 'Attended Refuse Freighter Scheme' will be visiting West Bergholt (Orpen Hall Car Park), on 28th July & 22nd September between 10:45am - 12noon.
  • no fridges or freezers;
  • please bring green garden waste separately to be composted;
  • this service is provided for small loads and from domestic properties, so you can use this service to dispose of bulky items not normally collected with household waste;
  • no commercial refuse or hazardous waste such as asbestos, batteries, liquids, gas bottles;
  • no large loads please.
For more information please telephone 01206 282700

Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Minutes online

The minutes of the Annual Parish meeting are now online together with all recent council minutes. Please click here to view them.

Monday, 4 June 2007

Coffee Morning - 13th June

There will be a coffee morning in the Methodist Church Hall Chapel Lane on Wednesday 13 June from 10am to 11.30am. Gifts for cake and general stalls will be appreciated. Greetings cards will also be on sale. Coffee or tea and biscuits 50p. Everyone assured of a warm welcome.

Christian Aid

The total amount raised this year is £2,200. The Hunger Lunch realised £75 with the remaining sum equally divided from gift-aided and house to house collection around the village. Grateful thanks to all collectors and contributors.

Monday, 21 May 2007

Carpet Bowls Club

There was great success for the club recently when a team consisting of Paul Leach, Jan Lumb, Nora and Molly Bates won The Bees Charity Match at Great Sailing near Braintree. New members are welcome on Thursday and Sunday evenings meeting in the Orpen Memorial Hall Lexden Road at 7.15pm. For further information contact 01206 240824.

Friday, 11 May 2007

Annual Parish Meeting

The above will take place in the John Lampon Hall (rear of Orpen Hall) on Wednesday 23 May beginning at 7pm. Open to all residents who can come along to air their views and queries.

Gardener's Club Outing

A few seats remain for the club's coach outing to Helmingham Hall Gardens on June 20. Further details on 01206 242194.

Annual Plant Sale

The Gardeners' Associaton is holding its Annual Plant Sale which is open to the public in the Orpen Memorial Hall Lexden Road on Monday 21 May from 7.30pm to 8.30pm. There will be a variety of bedding plants and other items with all proceeds to a local charity. The club will have a stall at the Village Fayre on Saturday 16 June when free pumpkin seeds will be offered to the children to grow and enter a competition to be judged later in the year.

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Women's Institute - May Report

The president Joyce Woolhead welcomed new members who have now joined membership stands at 53. The next play reading will be at Joyce Lucking's on Monday 14 May. A delegate from Home Farm will take our place at the Annual Meeting in The Albert Hall next month. A letter of thanks was received from St Helena Hospice and they hope we can bake cakes for 7 April 2008. A team of four will be entering the Village Quiz in the Orpen Memorial Hall on Saturday 19 May at 7.30pm. All proceeds to East of England Childrens' Hospices. Programme planning meeting will be at Sue Leng's 36 Albany Road at 10am on Monday June 18.

Names are being taken for the July annual outing to Hylands House in Chelmsford leaving at 9.30am it includes a tour and lunch. Contact Judith on 01206 241969 for more information.

Speaker Val Carter was welcomed with her fascinating collection of Russian nest dolls and the history associated with them.

Christian Aid Week

This charity is 50 years old this year. Collections around the village are from May 13 to 19. Christian Aid Sunday will be on 13 May when a Hunger Lunch will take place at 12.30pm in St Mary's Church hall following morning worship. There will also be a Tradecraft stall. Contact Judith on 01206 241969 for more information.

Friday, 4 May 2007

A12 lane and road closures

The Highways Agency has announced details of A12 lane and road closures over the weekend of 18th - 20th May 2007. Details can be found on our website here.

Friday, 27 April 2007

Concert Band 'Open Rehearsal' 4th May

The West Bergholt Concert Band is hosting an 'open rehearsal' on Friday 4 May between 6pm and 7pm (training band) followed from 7pm to 9pm with the Concert Band in Heathlands School. The organisers offer a warm welcome to wind instrument players and the opportunty to make great music in a friendly and fun environment. Concert Band Grade 5+. Training Band Grades 1 to 4. Contact Graham on 01206 824157 for more information.

Bluebell Walk - May 5th & 6th

The annual stroll through the bluebell woods beginning at the Old Rectory, Cooks Hall Road followed by a cream tea takes place on Saturday and Sunday May 5/6 at 2pm. All proceeds to St Mary the Virgin Church.

Monday, 23 April 2007

Flower Club - 16th May meeting last until 19th September

Colne Valley Flower Club welcomed Jane Cowell and Janet Thorogood who entertained members with their 'Flowers and Hats'. At the next meeting on 16 May there will be a plant stall to raise money for the club's chosen charity for this year. The demonstrator, Gill McGregor, will base her arrangements around the theme 'As Summer Approaches'. Guests are very welcome to the Orpen Memorial Hall. Meetings begin at 7.30pm.

Thursday, 12 April 2007

Cricket Club Teas

Volunteers are urgently needed to help provide teas for the cricket club. Any expenditure would be reimbursed. Contact 01206 240225.

Women's Institute - April Report

The president thanked members who have made cakes for the St Helena Hospice. Erika Cole reported on the 90th County Annual Meeting at which a 1,000 delegates attended.

Islington is the latest W I to join Essex complete with its own website. George Mills is hoping to take many birthday cards from Essex W I's to Dr P who is 70 and runs the Children's Rehabilitation Centre in Chernigov, Ukraine. The Cuban Cycle Ride raised £3,000 for the W I Denman College. W I volunteers are required to form a team for the Village Quiz on Saturday 19 May. Contact our secretary.

The speaker Mr Brian Piccolo with the aid of slides talked about his sponsored walk from north to south island in New Zealand raising money for charities in Britain and New Zealand. He power-walked 40 miles per day.

As there is only one resolution to be discussed in May, members can enjoy a talk by Mrs Val Carter on Russian Dolls. Competition 'A Peg Doll'.

Friday, 6 April 2007

Orpen Players - The Vortex

The next production is The Vortex by Noel Coward, directed by Andrew Hodgson.Tickets are £4.50 for Thursday 26 April with Friday and Saturday evening £5.

Doors open at the Orpen Memorial Hall Lexden Road at 7.30pm curtain up 8pm. Box office opens on Saturday 14 April at Ash's Shop Colchester Road in the village. Contact Roger Milne on 01206 241048 for reservations.

Gardeners Meeting - Unusual Plants

The next meeting of the Gardeners' Association is in the Orpen Memorial Hall on Monday 16 April at 7.30pm. Mr Patrick Cadman will be the speaker on Unusual Plants. The annual outing by coach is a visit to Helmingham Gardens, Suffolk on Wednesday 20 June. Open to non-members. For reservations and more details contact Pat on 01206 241103. May 21 is the club's annual plant sale open to everyone. No further meetings until September.

Village Care Network AGM

The Village Care Network AGM takes place on Tuesday 17 April in the Methodist Church Hall at 7.30pm. This gives residents an opportunity to meet with the volunteers and find out more about this valuable service.

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Braiswick Road Bridge - 18th - 21st May

The temporary bridge may be closed between 21:00 on 18th and 06:00 on 21st May to enable the new bridge to be put in place. Please check here for more information.

Monday, 2 April 2007

Easter Services

St Mary the Virgin church will hold a family communion on Sunday 8 April at 9.30am

The Methodist service is at 11am and led by Mr Robert Rickards.

Friday, 30 March 2007

Coffee Morning - 11th April

The next coffee morning in the Methodist Church Hall is on Wednesday11 April from 10am to 11.30am. Stalls include cakes and general items. Greetings card will be on sale.
£30.34 was raised last month.

Women's Institute - March Report

The vice-president, Pat Moran, welcomed everyone to the Members Meeting. An invitation from Lexden W I for 18 April has been received. Contact our secretary if willing to attend. Dave Kingaby who organises the village wesite has asked for photographs from the W I competition. Sue Leng will collect them for him. Helena Solomn then chaired the Member's Meeting with Helen Lander as secretary. The meeting enjoyed poems written and recited by speaker, Mrs Norma Peckson. The entertainment was circle dancing organised by Claire Short.

Monday, 26 March 2007

Palm Sunday - 1st April

A Palm Sunday procession will begin at the Queen's Head pond complete with donkey on 1 April at 9am. This will be followed by a service of rededication in St Mary the Virgin church at 9.30am.The Rt: Reverend Christopher Morgan, Bishop of Colchester, will be the preacher on this occasion.

Open Day - Model Railway Club

The Colchester and District Model Railway Club are holding an Open Day on Sunday 1 April in the Orpen Memorial Hall Lexden Road from 11am to 4.30pm. Light refreshments available with entry free.

Tuesday, 13 March 2007

Flower Club Meeting 21st March

The next meeting of the Colne Valley Flower Club takes place on Wednesday 21 March in the Orpen Memorial Hall at 7.30pm. The demonstrator is Janice Swan from Southend with her arrangements entitled 'Designs for all Occasions'.

Christine Jeffries is the new president with Alison Bradshaw as secretary and Clare Heyes is vice-chair to Caroline Dunn.

There is a workshop on table decorations with tutor Angela Vokalek taking place on 24 March in the Scout and Guide HQ Lexden Road from 10.30am to 3.30pm. fee £15. To reserve a place contact Caroline on 01787 228117.

Gardener's Association February & March Meetings

The village gardeners' association welcomed Matthew Tanton Brown to last month's meeting. His talk on plants for problem areas proved very popular as he had brought along an extensive range of plants to suit everyones' needs. On Monday March 19 Tracy Leverett, a senior gardener with Hyde Hall RHS Garden, will be giving an illustrated talk on 'Wildflower Gardening' in the Orpen Memorial Hall Lexden Road at 7.30pm. Preparations are going ahead to ensure that the club's annual charity plant sale on 21 May will be as successful as ever.

Friday, 16 February 2007

Who wants to be a telly star?

If you do you have until the end of March to get your application in.

We have been approached by RDF, an independent production company, interested in doing a TV show for Channel 4 that looks at family life in the UK, celebrating different lifestyles in modern Britain. The documentary is primarily about people learning from the way others lead their lives. They are very keen to feature a country-living family; perhaps who can show what it’s like to maintain a large estate and grounds or give viewers a taste of life on a farm. Or perhaps a family who can show the reality and rewards of village life. This would be a wonderful opportunity to reach city-dwelling viewers and open their eyes to the perks as well as the hard work of country life!

  • Are you a fun, outgoing family?
  • Do you think others can learn from the way you live your life?
  • Or have you ever wanted to experience a different way of living?
If you’re up for a fun family challenge a Channel 4 documentary series would love to hear from you.
Call Melissa for more details on:
020 7013 4514
Or email:

You can also read a little more about the show here.

Monday, 12 February 2007

Women's Institute February Report

The president, Mrs Joyce Woolhead, thanked everyone for their contributions of toiletries which George and Marion Mills will be donating to the Children's Rehabilitation Centre in Chernigov, Ukraine. Any further items can be brought to the March meeting. The first play-reading meeting was a great success. Please give Clarice Chittenden any raffle items before the March meeting.

The treasurer reported 52 paid up members so far. The coach for the birthday lunch outing will leave outside the Orpen Memorial Hall on Wednesday 21 February prompt at 12noon.

The speaker was Mrs Gil Fairhead on Aloe Vera and Bee Products.The competition An Old Fashioned Natural Remedy was won by Mrs Marie-Louise Fuell.

Wednesday, 7 February 2007

Flower Club

At the Colne Valley Flower Club's annual meeting last month a cheque for £900 was given to a representative from the local Alzheimer's Society. This had been the club's chosen charity for 2006. Follwing the business meeting member, Mrs Sheila Greaves gave an interesting demonstration on the making of flower stands from unusual alternative materials. The new season begins on Wednesday 21 February at 7.30pm in the Orpen Memorial Hall. Subscriptions of £19 are due ( first rise in 4 years) . Helen Bird from Marks Tey is the demonstrator with her arrangements entitled 'Just Imagine'.


The Gardeners' Association reported a good attendance at the pre-Christmas Club social evening in December in the Orpen Memorial Hall. The quiz was followed by festive fare and a sale of plants and gardening items. The first meeting of the new year takes place on Monday February 19 at 7.30pm when Matthew Tanton Brown from The Place for Plants will talk about Plants for Problem Places. Visitors and potenial members are always welcome.