
Wednesday 31 October 2012

Winter Draws On

Last year we may consider ourselves fortunate to have had only one bad spell of ice and snow. As a result of the efforts of a team of volunteers we were able to keep much of the village safely on the move by clearing pathways at an early stage.

The Environment Committee of the Parish Council is now making plans to repeat the operation should the same or worse happen again this winter. Naturally the more that volunteer the more we can do to help ourselves. If you are prepared to help in this initiative please contact Harry Stone on 241026 or Email

Monday 29 October 2012

Diamond Champion

Bob Gooden with Patricia Routledge
Many residents will know that for about thirty years Bob Gooden has been a dedicated volunteer and supporter of this community. In his earlier days in the village he was a well respected scout leader, a Church Warden and a member of the Parish Council, as well as having oversight of the running of the allotment site.

Notable among his contributions to the village has been his part in establishing the Care Network over 25 years ago. Most significant is the number of jobs Bob has undertaken, often topping the list with up to fifty in a year. In this time he has clocked up 3,634 miles for the community and at the age of 86 is still going strong.

In recognition of his outstanding contribution to this village Bob was nominated, through the Parish Council, for a Diamond Award in the national scheme organized for the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall by the WRVS. This was run on a regional basis and Bob was one of 60 selected from 860 nominations in the Eastern region.

On 19th Oct Bob attended a ceremony in London where he was presented with his award by Patricia Routledge of “Keeping up Appearances” fame. A well deserved and fitting tribute to a stalwart of our village.

Harry Stone

Bergholt Heath YFC - Results & Fixtures 28th October 2012

On a cold and rainy Sunday morning, Bergholt Heath Under-8s took on Lexden Saints buoyed by a good performance last week. Although the home team had the majority of the play in the first half, it was the visitors who went into the break one-nil up after a mix-up between the Bergholt keeper and defence. It was an early goal but this didn't dishearten Bergholt and they nearly scored an equaliser when their goalbound effort was pushed round the post by the Lexden keeper.

The second half saw no let up in the weather or Bergholt's desire to get the equaliser. Bergholt had a number of chances but couldn't find the back of the net, whilst everyone lost count of the number of corners Bergholt had!  Unfortunately, as is the case too often this season, Bergholt were caught out by the counter-attack and a fabulous strike by the Lexden striker put the game beyond the reach of the home team. This was one of few chances Lexden were restricted to, depicted by frozen figure of Daniel in the Bergholt goal. Final score 0-2. Well played to both teams and well done to Lexden on their win.

Our Under-10s were also at home, verses Marks Tey, and a dominant performance saw Bergholt get back to winning ways to win by a huge margin: 10 goals to nil! The Bergholt Heath goal scorers were: Tyler Webb x 3, Daniel Thomson x 2 and one each for Benjamin Sams, Matthew Sanderson, Nathaniel Lerwill, Richard Frost and Thomas Whitlow. Well done boys!

The Under-14s league cup game at Feering was postponed due to the home team not being able to field a team. This should see Bergholt through to the next round by default.

The Under-18s were away to Arlesford Colune Rangers and came away with a creditbale 2-2 draw.

Next week's fixtures, Sunday 4th November:
  • Rowhedge Juniors v Under 8
  • Reed Hall Sentinels v Under 10
  • Under 14 No game
  • Under 18 v Maldon Saints League Cup R2, KO 2pm

Wednesday 24 October 2012

We're gonna get a new sheriff

... well maybe not quite as dramatic as that but we are going to get new Police & Crime Commissioner  (PCC) elected in November who will have authority to make a real difference in policing in our community.

A PCC is independent and will be elected to oversee how crime will be tackled in the Essex police force area.

Their aim will be to cut crime and to ensure Essex Police is effective. They will bring more of a public voice to policing and they will do this by:
  • regularly engaging and meeting with the public to help set police and crime plans;
  • ensuring the police force budget is spent where it matters most; and
  • appointing the chief constable, and (if necessary) dismissing them if they have not performed well.
The PCC will not 'run' Essex Police. Chief constables will continue to be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the police force, but they will be accountable to the public via PCCs.

Polling is on 15th November and the candidates, as declared by the Police Area Returning Officer on 19th October, are as follows:
  • Nick ALSTON - Chelmsford - The Conservative Party Candidate
  • Linda BELGROVE - Alresford, Tendring - Independent
  • Val MORRIS-COOK - Chafford & North Stifford, Thurrock - The Labour Party Candidate
  • Andrew George SMITH - 69 Hemnall Street, Epping, Essex, CM16 4LZ - United Kingdom Independence Party
  • Mick THWAITES - Shoeburyness, Southend-on-Sea - Independent
  • Robin TILBROOK - Quires Green, Willingale, Essex, CM5 0QP - English Democrats - "More Police - Catching Criminals!"
To find out more visit the website - as well as telling you more about the election, after 26th October this will also provide information about each candidate.

Monday 22 October 2012

Lighting the skies for 20 years

Featuring BBC Essex presenter Steve Scruton, Heathlands School PTA are hoping their 20th Anniversary display goes with a bang. Taking place at Heathlands on Saturday 10th November they have planned a spectacular show with the same award winning display team promising yet again to put on a dazzling spectacle for all the family.

The organisers promise a great night out for all, with a top quality entertainment package, fun stalls and wide variety of food and drink.
  • Hog Roast, Barbecue and hot & cold drinks are available
  • Gates open 5.30pm
  • Bonfire lit 6.00pm
  • Fireworks from 7.00pm
Tickets/Programmes go on sale during October priced £3 pre-purchased or £4 on the night and will be
available from local village shops and other outlets, children aged 3 and under will have FREE admission.
This highly popular event is now in its 20th year and has become a key highlight in the Colchester calendar, attracting families from a wide area. It is organised by the Heathlands School Parent Teacher Association and is the main fundraiser for the school, providing essential funds for much-needed equipment.

Bergholt Heath YFC - Results & Fixtures 21st October 2012

Our under 8s were away to Feering Falcons and the Bergholt boys showed their resilience this week after last week's heavy defeat. Right from the outset they looked like a different team and matched Feering for possession, the only difference being that Feering managed to score 2 goals in the first half. All credit to Bergholt as their heads did not drop as they knew they could still get a result from the game and they were rewarded for their self-belief when James Pomphrett scored a brilliant solo goal. However, as is often the case in football, the scoring team switched off after the goal and conceded soon after. This was soon followed by another, but Bergholt rallied and were then the most likely to score next. However, this wasn't to be and the final score was 4-1 to Feering.

The under 10s were at home to Colchester Athletic and the manager's warning a few weeks ago that there were some hard games coming up which the team would struggle against, seems to be coming true, with an 8-0 loss (and the goalkeeper being 'man of the match'!). At least they built up a good bank of points at the start of the season!

The under 14s were away to FC Clacton on a very wet and boggy pitch and were on the end of a 3-1 defeat.  Although the match saw 2 superb goals from the home team - one of which was a first time shot on the run from outside the area into the top corner - the match will be remembered by all that were there for an - at best dismal, at worst, biased - performance by the referee, and for the first time a Bergholt Heath manager scored the referee below the threshold at which we need to submit (and have written) a letter to the League.  The home team failed to advise Bergholt that the referee was their own appointment and that he was a brother of one of the players.  We were also advised when this information came to light that he was an FA approved referee, however we have since checked and he is not on the current FA list.  During the match the referee failed to award Bergholt a clear goal, continuously overruled his assistants to give throw-ins to the home team, and totally ignored several clear (and a few dangerous) fouls on the Bergholt players, each time saying "I didn't see it".  Enough said.  Bergholt Heath goal scorer: Oliver Sanderson. Bergholt Heath 'man of the match': Jamie Bowden.

The under 18s were at home to Maldon Saints and came away with a creditable 1-1 draw.

Next weeks fixtures Sunday 28th October:
  • Under 8 v Lexden Saints, KO 11am
  • Under 10 v Marks Tey, KO 10am
  • Feering Falcons v Under 14, League Cup R2
  • Arlesford Colne Rangers v Under 18

Sunday 21 October 2012

Your village needs your input...

Did you know that Parish Councils can use new neighbourhood planning powers to establish general planning policies for the development and use of land in a neighbourhood?  If you have strong ideas about West Bergholt then why not have your say at a public meeting to discuss our Neighbourhood Plan?

The meeting is to be held in the John Lampon Hall on Saturday 24 November 2012, beween 10.30am-12.30pm.  To find out more contact Murray Harlow by email at

Monday 15 October 2012

Bergholt Heath YFC - Results & Fixtures 14th October 2012

On a bright and crisp Autumn Sunday morning,Bergholt Heath Under 8s came up against local rivals Eight Ash Green.   It was the visitors who stole a march on their hosts and within a minute found the back of the Bergholt net.  Bergholt then settled down and enjoyed some possession of their own but EAG were much stronger and scored another 3 before half-time - the fourth goal being the proverbial "30 yard screamer" into the top of the net.   The second half was a repeat of the first half with the visitors scoring early on and then going onto score another 3 to make the final score 0-8.  Credit to Bergholt for never letting their heads drop. Well played to Eight Ash Green on their win.

Due to the odd number of teams in their league, the Under 10s were the spare team and therefore had a free weekend.

Slightly later in the day - and later than expected with the previous game going into extra time - the Under 14s got their (short lived) Essex County Cup campaign going away to Writtle Minors from the Chelmsford League.  Bergholt started brightly and within the first few minutes had 2 or 3 good opportunities to open the scoring.  Writtle were camped deep in their own half and their only thought was to boot the ball long and hard to their 2 speedy front mean to chase.  From one such clearance Writtle won a corner when their left winger crossed for the Bergholt defender to steer behind.  Unfortunately from the corner, Bergholt were slow coming out after the ball had been cleared and this left the Writtle striker an easy task of poking a hopeful ball into the net from the edge of the 6 yard box - with a defender playing him well on side - still watching play from almost his own goal line!  The remainder of the half saw play return to the previous pattern but the Writtle goalkeeper seemed to have magnets in his gloves, the amount of times the ball went straight into them!  A half time talk by the manager sent Bergholt out with even more determination and again the Writtle goal was living a charmed life.   In desperation to find an elusive goal Bergholt switched to 3 at the back for the last 10 minutes, but still shots were either off target or within reach of the 'keeper.   In the last minute, with 8 of the Bergholt players camped in the Writtle half probing for a goal, another long ball out of defence saw the under manned Bergholt defence split, the left winger chasing the ball down and curling a shot into the roof of the net as the Bergholt defender desperately tried to close him down.  Final result: Writtle 2 - 0 Bergholt Heath. Bergholt Heath 'man of the match': Oliver Sanderson

The Under 18s were also away, but in league action, to Maldon Saints, and came away with a good 3-2 win. the Bergholt goals came courtesy of Jake Heap, Jack Lugar and Alex Enright.

Next weeks' fixtures - Sunday 21st October:
  • Feering Falcons v Under 8
  • Under 10 v Colchester Athletic, KO 11am
  • FC Clacton Blues v Under 14
  • Under 18 v Maldon Saints, KO 2pm

Friday 12 October 2012

Are speeders driving you nuts?

Community Speedwatch in action
Community Speedwatch in action
... then why not get involved in cutting this scourge down. A Community Speedwatch foray near the Brewery yesterday morning captured details of 4 excessive speeders in the space of 50 minutes, all of which were passed to Essex Police, earlier in the month even more were caught on the A1124.

The more volunteers we have to mount these random speedchecks the more uncertainty we can put into the minds of frequent offenders who clearly have no qualms in breaking the speed limits on a regular basis.  If you would like to join those already helping to make our roads safer then please contact Anthony Robin ( and he will arrange training for you.  If you would like to find out more about it first then please visit

Thursday 11 October 2012

Dancing at Lughnasa

Dancing at Lughnasa by Brian Friel
This Orpen Players production will show between 25th - 27th October with curtains up at 8pm each day and tickets £5 on Thursday, £6 on Friday & Saturday (plus 50p online booking fee if booking that way).

Dancing at Lughnasa is a humorous yet poignant play by dramatist Brian Friel set in Ireland's County Donegal in August 1936 in the fictional town of Ballybeg.  It is a memory play told from the point of view of the adult Michael Evans, the narrator.  He recounts the summer in his aunts' cottage when he was seven years old.

The play takes place in at the end of summer, around the festival of Lughnasa, in Celtic folklore, the festival of the first fruits, when the harvest is welcomed.  The play describes a bitter harvest for the Mundy sisters, a time of reaping what has been sown.  Love briefly seems possible for three of the Mundy sisters (Chris, Rose, and Kate) and the family welcomes home the frail elder brother, who has returned from a life as missionary in Africa.  However, as the summer ends, the family foresees the sadness and economic privations under which they will suffer as all hopes fade.

To book visit the Orpen Players' website for online booking, call Roger Milne 01206 241048 or purchase from Ash's as of Saturday13th October.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Dogs, College & Lifeboats - The Women's Institute October Update

An outing has been arranged for 17 October to Tiptree and lunch at Perrywood Garden Centre. A coffee morning is held every month at the Treble Tile. Next one 25 October at 10.30am.

Canine Partners
We have an open meeting in November when Mr Furnival-Jones will talk about his 40 years at The Palace of Knightsbridge i.e. Harrods. Visitors £2 pay on the door. We shall be welcoming many local WI's.

In September the president, Susan Leng welcomed members who enjoyed a talk from Canine Partners Assistance Dogs, helping people with physical disabilities. The wheelchair bound speaker brought along Guy, his dog, who demonstrated his skills used around the home and when out shopping.

In August five members visited WI Denman College for the day near Oxford and spoke about their impressions during social time.  Squares are being knitted and made up into blankets for the special care baby unit.

West Mersea Lifeboat Station
Mr Rick Boreham was this month's speaker. He is a volunteer with West Mersea RNLI. With the aid of slides members heard about the history of the organization and the many incidents involving the Mersea Lifeboat. He also put on the suit the men wear when going out on a call.

Monday 8 October 2012

Bergholt Heath YFC Results & Fixtures 7th October 2012

Unfortunately Bergholt Heath's Under 8s run of consecutive defeats continued at their away trip to Halstead. The first half was a very even affair, with the only difference between the teams being in the "Goals For" column. Halstead scored twice before Thomas Haworth's corner was deflected into the net by the defender on the Halstead goal line for Bergholt's second goal of the season.  Bergholt went into the second half full of optimism but were once again susceptible to counter-attacks and Halstead added three more to make the final score 5-1 to the home team.

The Under 10s also saw their superb run at the start of the season come to an end at home to pre-season title favourites Clare Town Lions.  Despite putting in a battling rearguard action against a fast flowing Clare attack, the visitors ran out clear 5-0 winners.  Hopefully back to winning ways next week!

The Under 14s were also at home to Wivenhoe Youth, looking to get back on track after last weeks poor showing. The team looked much sharper this week with some neat passing football cutting the visitors open time and again, but it took a break from the back by Sam Clark, who finished with a powerful drive into the far corner from just inside the area, to break the deadlock mid way through the first half.  Within minutes of the second half starting, Bergholt were 2-0 up, James Holden chasing a long high through ball, and out jumping the central defender to head over the 'keeper and into the next.  A couple of minutes later and it was 3-0 with James again reacting quickly in the area to poke the ball in at the far post from close range.   Substitutions broke the rhythm and allowed Wivenhoe to come back into the match courtesy of some long direct balls from back to front cutting out the Bergholt midfield and pressurising the Bergholt full-backs.  From one such direct move Wivenhoe pulled a goal back, only for Mickey Whittle to immediately restore Bergholt's 2 goal advantage with a shot that the Wivenhoe 'keeper probably should have done a bit better with.  Wivenhoe continued their more direct approach to the game and pulled another goal back with a long ball over the top and shot from the end of the area that Connor Welfare in the Bergholt goal got his hand to, but despite a vain attempt by Sam Clark to clear off the line the ball ended up in the back of the net. Final score: Bergholt Heath 4-2 Wivenhoe. Bergholt Heath 'man of the match': James Holden.

To complete the set of home fixtures, the Under 18s entertained Alresford Colne Rangers in round 1 of the League Cup, and a comfortable 3-1 win sees Bergholt into the hat for the round 2 draw.

Next weeks fixtures Sunday 14th October:
  • Under 8 vs Eight Ash Green, KO 11am
  • Under 10 - No game
  • Writtle Minors (Whites) vs Under 14 - Essex County Cup R
  • Maldon Saints vs Under 18

Monday 1 October 2012

Bergholt Heath YFC - Results & Fixtures 30th September 2012

The Under 8s were at home on the Poors Field against Stanway Villa Yellows. The two teams started the game brightly and shared in the early exchanges, however Stanway took an early lead with a powerful strike which gave the Bergholt 'keeper no chance.  From then on the game was a very even affair with both defences playing very well ensuring goal scoring chances were kept to a minimum. This was a much improved performance from Bergholt and shows that the boys are learning with every game.  Full Time 0-1.

Our Under 10s remain unbeaten this season, holding Halstead Yellows to a 2-2 draw away from home. Matt Sanderson and Thomas Whitlow scoring the Bergholt Heath goals.

The Under 14s were at home to Brooklands and had one of their strangely quiet performances.   The match started with Bergholt almost camped inside the Brookland half but all too often attacks petered out against a deep sitting defence through lack of a final ball. A part from a couple of free kicks from Bergholt nothing much of note happened in the first half: 0-0 at half time.

The second half saw Brooklands pushing forward more and from one attack, the Brooklands striker was left one on one with the 'keeper after an injury saw the Bergholt defender collapse when he was just about to clear the ball (later taken to hospital with a suspected broken foot diagnosed as bad bruising).  Almost immediately Bergholt equalised, Sam Clark heading in from a corner.  This did not, however, spur Bergholt into life, with too many players looking like they had spent their sleep time playing FIFA13.  A second goal for Brooklands came after the Bergholt team collectively failed to clear the ball on the edge of their area, and just before the final whistle Brooklands hit Bergholt on the break with a good run and shot from their big number 10.  Final result: Bergholt Heath 1 - 3 Brooklands.  Bergholt 'man of the match': James Hirst.

The Under 18s were also at home on the Poors Field but their superb start to the season is rapidly fading as they fell to a 4-0 defeat to Little Oakley Reds.

Next weeks' fixtures, Sunday 7th October:
  • Halstead Town vs Under 8
  • Under 10 vs Clare Town Lions KO 10am
  • Under 14 vs Wivenhoe Youth Blues KO 10.30am
  • Under 18 vs Alresford Colne Rangers, League Cup R1, KO 2pm