
Friday 25 May 2012

Going potty with potholes - report it!

Essex County Council have made it easier to report pothole and other highway problems through its on-line reporting service.  Simply zoom in on the map to where the problem is and add a marker - the Essex Highways team will then know about, and be able to schedule, the issue for appropriate resolution.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Van Dal & Norwich trip - Seats available

Van Dal - History of shoe production in Norwich
The local WI have arranged a visit to the Van Dal shoe factory and shop on 4th July and have seats available for anybody interested in joining them (couples welcomed).

After visiting the factory there will be ample spare time to wander around Norwich with its waterside, city centre and castle as obvious attractions.

If you are interested contact 01206 240854 to book a place on the coach, seats are £16 and the coach departs from Orpen Hall car park at 8:15.

Thursday 17 May 2012

All Gardeners' Alert! Plant Sale 21st May

Come along at 7.30pm on 21st May to the Orpen Memorial Hall to bag the bargains from selections of bedding; fruit and vegetables; perennials and shrubs.  And not forgetting the bric-à-brac stall offering a host of second-hand goodies for your garden.   Entry is free and everyone’s welcome.

If you enjoy a day out visiting gardens of special renown; why not join us on our coach trip to Hatfield House, Park and Gardens on Wednesday 23 May.

We have seats still available for this visit, departing the Orpen Hall at 9.30am and leaving the venue at 4.30pm. Inclusive cost - £27 if you’re a non-member. Contact Terry 01206 242124 or Valerie 01206 855450 to book.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Bergholt Heath YFC - Results 13th May 2012

The final match of the 2011-12 season for Bergholt Heath was our Under 13s playing their last league match away to Stanway Rovers, which actually took place on the Poors field due to continued water-logging at Spring Lane.  Bergholt started this match far better than against the same opposition on Tuesday evening, and took the game to Stanway in what was an evenly matched contest.  Bergholt took the lead after 10 minutes when a good move down the right allowed Antonio Sabini time and space on the edge of the box to curl a left-footed effort into the top corner for his 27th goal of the season. Stanway Rovers seemed a little shocked and a few minutes later it was almost 2-0 when more good play carved them open, only for the striker to hit the post.  Stanway worked their way back into the game and almost a carbon copy of the Bergholt goal saw their striker curl the ball into the top of the net to equalise before half time. Two superb goals to grace what was proving to be an entertaining game.

The second half continued in much the same fashion as the first, although Stanway were dropping deeper looking to hit Bergholt on the break.  From one such move Stanway took the lead when an opportunist shot from just inside the box squirmed under the diving body of the Bergholt 'keeper and trickled over the line.   Bergholt continued to pour forward but as time wore on the play got increasingly ragged.   There were some moments when it looked like they would equalise; a header over the bar from a corner, a shot that clipped off the top of the bar and another just wide, but in the end the game petered out to confirm a disappointing end to the season with a 2-1 defeat - the first back to back losses for the team against the only team to do the 'double' over them. Bergholt Heath 'man of the match': Gianni Sabini.

Looking back over the Under 13's season, it was successful and could have proved to be a winning one, but in the end it fizzled out a little; two semi final defeats in both the Open and League Cups, and a second-placed finish in the "A" league, having done the 'double' over the champions!  After Sundays game the manager of the team, Dominic Sabini, confirmed that he would be leaving the Club after 5 seasons as both his boys have been approached to play in the higher "Eastern Junior Alliance League", where they will be playing teams from Essex, Hertfordshire and Suffolk. Simon Ashurst has agreed to step in to his shoes. Thanks Dominic, and welcome Simon.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Bergholt Heath YFC - Result 8th May

The Under 13's played their penultimate match of the season in a fixture switched to the Poors field due to water logging at the home of our opponents, Stanway Rovers. Needing to win both remaining matches with a goal difference of +13 to win the "A" league title on goal difference, Bergholt started with a very attacking formation. Unfortunately within the first minute Bergholt were a goal behind, a midfielder losing the ball too easily on our first attack: the Stanway Rovers player took the ball on and played a superb - if unchallenged - curling cross into the area for the striker to run onto and slot into the net. Within 5 minutes Bergholt were two behind. Again the ball was lost cheaply in midfield. The other striker got away from the defender, who failed to put a challenge in, and beat the goalkeeper at his near post: a catalogue of errors! Bergholt were failing to get into the game - the Stanway Rovers players looked far more like league title challengers and were first to every ball - and it was no surprise when another decisive break from midfield resulted in a Bergholt player desperately lunging at the ball in the area only to get the players' legs first. A penalty resulted, which was slotted into the net for 3-0. A couple of minutes later a ball was played into the box which the Bergholt 'keeper attempted to catch under pressure from 2 strikers, one of which bundled into him from behind. The keeper tried to grab the loose ball as the referee blew his whistle - for a penalty! He adjudged the 2 strikers not to be fouling the keeper, but the keeper to be pushing one of them to grab the ball, and duly booked him to make the second ever booking for a Bergholt U13 player - coincidently both by the same referee! Note this was the same referee as for the Heybridge semi-final a few weeks ago who did not give a foul for the same striker jumping at the Bergholt keeper and making no contact with the ball (resulting in a goal). Justice was done when, for the second time in a week, Connor Welfare in goal saved a penalty. Half time score; Bergholt Heath 0-3 Stanway Rovers.

After a half time roasting from the manager when he rightly pointed out that however poor the referee was (and he was bad!), the players had been equally at fault for their poor play, Bergholt started the second half looking far more lively. A couple of close calls with the ball going the wrong side of the post and just over the bar, and Bergholt were given a lifeline with the referee awarding another dubious penalty which was dispatched at the second attempt by Antonio Sabini after the referee correctly ruled that the keeper had moved at least a yard off his line before it was taken. Bergholt continued to push forward in what was a totally different performance to the first half, although there tended to be a lack of composure at times. However yet again the referee played a major part in the match when he failed to spot a two handed push in the back of a Bergholt defender who was sent sprawling for the striker to run through and put the ball in the net. The referee's assistant confirmed that although he clearly saw the foul he had been instructed by the referee before the match that he was only allow to flag for throw ins and off-sides as the referee would call everything else (or not as the case may be). Another few minutes and again the referee got involved by awarding yet another penalty - his 4th of the match - this time to Bergholt for a push that nobody saw. Maybe he was making up for the Stanway player's push for the goal? Again Antonio Sabini finished coolly from the spot. The referee booked yet another Bergholt player (Gianni Sabini) after the goal, supposedly for swearing at the Stanway goalkeeper when he wouldn't give the ball back - that's 3 bookings this season, and all by the same referee! As the match entered its final minutes the game was almost exclusively played in the Stanway half with possession dominated, although with so many players pouring forward the defence was stretched at times which lead to a few heroics at the back with Stanway trying to hit Bergholt on the break. Unfortunately try as they might, the hill was too big for Bergholt to climb and the final whistle became a relief - I suspect for the referee as much as anyone as he looked totally out of his depth and in the two games we have seen him this season he has been the worst referee we have ever had officiating one of our matches (as demonstrated by the two lowest referee marks ever given). Bergholt Heath will finish second in the "A" league this year behind Cornard Dynamos (who they did the double over!). Final result: Bergholt Heath 2 - 4 Stanway Rovers. Bergholt Heath 'man of the match': Jamie Bowden

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Dawn Chorus 2012

The Friends of Hillhouse Wood are offering the exciting opportunity to attend a guided walk through the woods just as the birds are waking and greeting the dawn. Meeting at the Old Church at 3:45am (yes am) on Saturday 19th May, walkers are advised to wear warm clothing, wear stout shoes and bring a flask of hot drink and a torch.

Bergholt Heath YFC - Results & Fixtures 6th May 2012

Our Under 9s played 2 matches this week to finish their season in the 'end of Season Trophy'.  The first was the rearranged way match Vs Clacton United on Wednesday evening where they lost 2-1. The second match was also away over the weekend, at Long Melford, where they won 2-1 with goals from Matthew Sanderson and Thomas Whitlow.

Just the one match for our Under 13s, which should have been been played at Wivenhoe on Sunday, but was switched to the Poors field due to waterlogging at Wivenhoe after the change had been approved by the league.  A quick grass cut and white line marking on Saturday afternoon got the pitch ready for a 10am kick off.   The start of the match saw Bergholt uncharacteristically wobbly and if it hadn't been for Connor Welfare in goal, Bergholt would have been at least 2-0 down inside the first 10 minutes.  Bergholt slowly settled and Ollie Sanderson finished from close range to give Bergholt the lead, against the run of play, after around 15 minutes.   Ollie then scored his second from the edge of the area 10 minutes later which should have settled things down.  However Wivenhoe were given a way back into the game right on the stroke of half time when some poor play all round by Bergholt gave Wivenhoe the time and space to attack and score a fairly easy goal.  Two half time substitutions saw Bergholt have a better shape in the second half, but another mistake saw the Wivenhoe striker get through on goal only to be brought down in the box by the Bergholt 'keeper (probably a sending off in the professional game).  However he picked himself up and made amends by diving full length to his left to tip the penalty round the post to preserve the lead. This was pretty much the only opportunity Wivenhoe had in the second half.  Bergholt scored another goal when James Holden got free on the right and whipped in a lovely cross for Ben Ashurst to score his first ever goal with a first time finish into the net at the far post.   Final score: Bergholt Heath 3 - 1 Wivenhoe Blues.   Bergholt Heath 'man of the match': Connor Welfare.

Next weeks fixtures - w/e 13th May (final two matches of the season):
  • Tuesday 8th May: Under 13's Vs Stanway Rovers, kick off 6.30pm
  • Sunday 13th May: Stanway Rovers Vs Under 13's