
Wednesday 24 February 2010

Did you know...

... that there has been a church in West Bergholt dedicated to St Mary the Virgin since Saxon times?

To test your brain-power and knowledge why not pop along to the Bergholt Heath Youth Football quiz on Saturday 27th February. Tickets are £10 in advance from Jackie Dixey on 07846 428229 - or £12 on the door- find out more here.

To learn more about the history of St Mary's and, in particular its rectors including one who met the disfavour of 'the virgin queen' visit the article on our website at

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Cameroon Special

On Friday 5th March over 3 million people world wide will be praying and worshipping together during an annual day of prayer, using a service prepared by Christian women in Cameroon. West Bergholt's contribution to this world event will take place in the Methodist Church, Chapel Lane at 1.30pm. All are welcome.

To learn more about the 2010 Women's World Day of Prayer visit their website here.

Flower Club - February Update

The new season of meetings at the Colne Valley Flower Club began this month. Mrs Lampon continues as president, Clare Heyes as chairman and Alison Bradshaw secretary. Jane Lawson and Ruth Vipond were welcomed on to the committee.

The demonstrator was Shirley Perkins from Leigh-on-Sea with her arrangements entitled Spectrum. She presented Liz Alexander with an orchid spray who was celebrating a birthday later that week. For more information contact Alison on 01206 240262 or visit the village website here.

Monday 22 February 2010

Bergholt Heath YFC - Results Sunday 21st February

Only one result this week with under-11's having no match and the under-14 & under-16 games being postponed.

Under 15
Bergholt Heath 0 - 2 Holland FC

Wednesday 17 February 2010

Victim of Anti-Social Behaviour?

Colchester Borough Council and Essex Police have joined forces to provide you with a direct line to report anti-social behaviour. You can now speak to a team of dedicated specialists who can talk through your problems and deal with your call more efficiently by assigning it to the correct agency.

The ASB hotline number is 282731, it will operate between 8.30am and 5.30pm Monday to Friday. Callers outside these times should leave a message, but urgent calls (i.e. threats to life) should ring 999.

Read more about local neighbourhood policing and watch on our website here.

Monday 15 February 2010

Bergholt Heath YFC Results - Sunday 14th February

Under 11 - Open Cup Match
Long Melford Blues 2 - 1 Bergholt Heath
(A Marley)

Under 14 - League Match
Bergholt Heath 0 - 15 Brightlingsea (ouch)

Under 15 - League Match
Bergholt Heath 4 - 2 Gt Bradfords
(J Paul, L Duffy, G Wheeler, R Brown)

Under 16 - League Cup
Cornard 4 - 2 Bergholt Heath
(S Redhead, E Davies)

Not only but also...
... please remember our fund-raising quiz on 27th February and our Hundred Club - read more here.

Sunday 7 February 2010

Bergholt Heath YFC - Results Sunday 7th February

The Under-14 match was called off. Other results were:

Under 11
Elmden Rovers 3 - 3 Bergholt Heath
(G Sabini 2, A Sabini)

Under 15
Clacton FC 2 - 3 Bergholt Heath
(J Gatland, B Povah, R Brown) - Bergholt Heath only fielded 10 players

Under 16
Tempest 10 - 0 Bergholt Heath

Women's Institute - January Report

The president welcomed new member Mrs Lucette Smith.

There was a problem with W I diaries so orders will be refunded.

Jonathan Moran gave an enlightening talk with slides on the role of the Samaritans
in society and the workplace.

Toiletries and unwanted Christmas gifts should be brought to the next meeting for George Mills to dispatch to the orphanage at Chernigov.

The March meeting is a Viyella fashion show with other W I's attending. Members were asked to bake cakes and donate a raffle prize.

To find meeting dates visit the village website calendar. Also more about the WI on the village website here.