
Thursday 29 October 2009

Church Updates

Remembrance Services

There will be a joint service with St. Mary's church and the Methodist church in the Orpen Memorial Hall, Lexden Road, on Sunday 8th November at 10.45 am.

On Tuesday November 10 St Mary's church will have a shared communion in the Methodist church beginning at 11am.

A coffee morning takes place on Wednesday 11th November in the Methodist Church Hall from 10am to 11.30am. There will be cakes and greetings cards for sale.


The Methodist quiz night is Saturday 21st November at 7pm in the Methodist Hall. To book a table of 4 contact Judith on 01206 241969.

Sunday 25 October 2009

Bergholt Heath YFC - Results 25th October

Under 11
Lexden Saints 1 - 1 Bergholt Heath
(R Gallagher)

Under 14
Match postponed

Under 15
Bergholt Heath 0 - 5 Rowhedge

Under 16
Lawford 2 - 0 Bergholt Heath

Friday 23 October 2009

Methodists celebrate 130 years

The Methodist Church celebrated its 130th anniversary over the weekend of 17/18 October. The sponsored Organ Play in which Keith Fletcher, with the help of Clive Carrington and Geoff Eames, attempted to play all the hymns in the Methodist hymn book was a great success with 665 tunes completed.

The art exhibition and memorabilia were admired by visitors as was the Tai Chi demonstration. The Reverend Robin Searles minister from 1983 to 1992 was welcomed back and led morning service on the Sunday. Songs of praise led by Reverend Ruth Ridge in the afternoon was accompanied by the Boxted Silver Band and brought the celebrations to a fitting close.

Monday 19 October 2009

Old Time Music Hall

(For those old enough to remember) it might not be the Leeds Variety but the Orpen Players are planning an extravaganza production of an Old Time Music Hall to celebrate 40 years of playing.

Tickets priced at £10 include a light supper and the audience is encouraged to wear period costume although this is not compulsory. The box office is open at Ash's shop, Colchester Road in the village. Doors open at the Orpen Memorial Hall at 7.30 pm with curtain up at 8pm. Performances are 29/30/31 October.

For further details call Roger Milne on 01206 241048.

Is your number up?

West Bergholt First responders are asking residents to ensure that their house number/name is clearly visible from the road, even at night. Studies have shown that obscured or unlit house numbers can delay ambulance responses by minutes at a time when every minute can be the difference between life or death. Every second counts when you dial 999.

You can find out more about the First Responders on our website.

Sunday 18 October 2009

Bergholt Heath YFC - Results 18th October

Under 11
Bergholt Heath 4 - 1 Gt Bradfords
(A Marley, A Sabini, G Sabini, M James)

Under 14
AFC Sudbury 22 - 0 Bergholt Heath

Under 15
Bergholt Heath 3 - 5 Boxford Rovers (League Cup)
(A Bartlett2, J Paul)

Under 16
Bergholt Heath 1 - 2 Tempest
(A Ponsford)

Monday 12 October 2009

Coffee Morning - Macmillan

As part of the world's biggest coffee morning £251.29p was raised for Macmillan Cancer Support in the village.

Bergholt Heath YFC - Results11th October

Under 11
Wivenhoe Youth Blues 2 - 1 Bergholt Heath
(J Holden)

Under 14
Bergholt Heath 0 - 23 Boadicea (League Cup)
This was a match against a B League team and we only had 8 players.

Under 15
Brightlingsea 3 - 2 Bergholt Heath
(A Bartlett, B Povah)

Under 16
Boadicea 0 - 4 Bergholt Heath
(B Trood3, S Redhead)
This win should keep them top of the A League

Green Fingers

Gardeners Association

The Gardeners Association next meeting is in the Orpen Hall on Monday 19 October at 7.30pm. The broadcaster, Karen Kenny will talk about composting worms and comfrey for fertility. Everyone welcome.

Flower Club

The Colne Valley Flower Club's next meeting is on Wednesday 21 October in the Orpen Memorial Hall at 7.30pm. This is 'Bring a Friend Free' evening. Mary Griffith from Mildenhall will arrange her flowers around the title 'Kaleidscope'.

Women's Institute - October Report

Bea Girkin a committee member was in the chair and announced that the coffee morning held last month in the Orpen Memorial Hall raised £142.62p for W I funds.

It was reported that the secretary will be standing down and nominations for the AGM next month would be welcome, it was noted that the position could be shared.

The W I Christmas concert will be held in the Charter Hall this year in December.

Sally Hepher spoke about the Woodland Trust which manages our local Hill House wood as well as Woodland elsewhere around the country. Members were surprised to hear that the UK has the smallest amount of wooded area in Europe, due to our large population.

Contact the secretary to book a place for our birthday lunch at the Institute.

Friday 9 October 2009

UPDATED - Emergency Closure of Chitts Hill

Due to a damaged electric cable at the level crossing, Chitts Hill will be closed for 25m each side of the crossing from today (9th October).

The closure will remain in force for 3 - 4 days.

Keep up to date with Road Closures on the village website here.

UPDATE: Closure is now expected to be finished by Wednesday morning.

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Youth Volunteers, Amber & Graham, Win Recognition

The recent Colchester Youth Awards saw Amber Harlow & Graham Pullen receive the recognition they deserved for their hours of dedicated volunteering to establish and operate the Bergholt Youth Group.

Sponsored by the Colchester Community Volunteer Service, the award recognises the efforts of young people who give their time voluntarily for the benefit of others. This is certainly something Amber & Graham have done. From very early days, nearly two years ago, when the idea of a Bergholt Youth Group was first discussed with Stanway School pupils, Amber & Graham demonstrated willingness to take on the challenge of forming the group through their leadership and willingness to get involved.

Having been involved in its original inception Graham & Amber are now active members of the management committee and were heavily involved in the successful application for nearly £4,000 in funding from the Youth Opportunity Fund. Between them they now organise the club's activities including arranging for appropriate adult volunteers. The club continues to go from strength to strength under their leadership and now sees over 60 young people attending the fortnightly sessions.

Congratulations Amber & Graham for a well deserved award.

Monday 5 October 2009

Action for Children

The recent house to house collection in the village for Action for Children (formally called the National Childrens' Homes), raised a fantastic £940.14p. Thank you to all who helped and contributed!

Bergholt Heath YFC - Results 4th October

Under 11
Holland Blues 0 - 3 Bergholt Heath
(J Holden 3)

Under 14
Bergholt Heath 1 - 11 Alresford
(J Aldridge)

Under 15
Bergholt Heath 3- 2 Clacton Reds
(A Bartlett, T Hodder, G Wheeler)

Under 16
Bergholt Heath 2 - 5 Wivenhoe
(B Trood, H Warrick)