
Wednesday 20 May 2009

Want something for nothing?

It is always good news to find out that we, as a village, can get money for village facilities without digging into our own pockets and your Parish Council is always looking to find such funding. Recently we were partially successful in receiving grant funding towards the Orpen Hall (see recent committee minutes on our website) and any initiative to increase available funding must be welcome.

Well A petition has been raised on the Government petition website in support of specific funding from the Lottery for Village Halls and Community Buildings. Please follow this link to the Prime Ministers website – there is further information on the petition and an opportunity for you to sign. I hope you’ll be able to support this by signing up.

If you haven’t signed a government petition before, they ask for your name, address and email address although the address and email are not published.

We are the champions..

The Bergholt Heath Under 10s squad recently won the Colchester and District Youths "West League" Championship. The team remained unbeaten in their 20 league games, winning 17 - including all 10 home games - and drawing just 3. They finished 9 points ahead of the second placed team (Great Bradfords from Braintree), with a goal difference of +80 (44 ahead of anyone else), having scored 91 goals and conceding just 11goals all season.

Next season the team moves on to 11-a-side on the full size pitch at the Poors Field, which is sure to be an exciting time. If you are interested in joining this winning team, the manager is recruiting now for extra players: trials will be held in July if necessary. Please see the football link on the West Bergholt website for contact details.

Thursday 14 May 2009

Women's Institute - May Report

The president, Pat Moran, explained to members that as the group had voted for the government to support the Bee resolution no action was required.

Outings organiser Joyce Hollock would like the fee for the visit to Tropical Wings in July as soon as possible. £15 covers entry, coach and lunch. Non members £18.

The village fete at Heathlands school is on Saturday 13 June. The WI will have a stall selling cakes and preserves, all contributions and help on the day most welcome.

8 members attended the County Annual Meeting at Towerlands Equestrian Centre Braintree. Bee Girkin reported an excellent day with speakers Terry Waite and the Chief Constable of Suffolk.

Next month several institutes have been invited to attend and members are asked to bring raffle prizes and goods for the sale's table.

Nicky Payne a Castle Park ranger showed members slides and explained her diverse activities and tasks and gave a brief history of the park which has been awarded a coveted green flag.

Sunday 10 May 2009

Flowers & Gardens

Both the Colne Valley Flower Club and Gardeners' Association announce their upcoming meetings:

Gardeners' Association
The next meeting of the village Gardeners Association is on Monday 18 May in the Orpen Memorial Hall at 7.30pm. Bill Wye will give a slide presentation on fuchsias.
A very successful plant sale was held last month to help boost club funds.

Flower Club
The next meeting of the Colne Valley Flower Club is on Wednesday 20 May in the Orpen Memorial Hall Lexden Road at 7.30pm. The demonstrator will be Crystal Dyball from Horsford Norwich with her arrangements entitled 'Floral Fun'. Members are asked to bring plants/seedlings for the plant sale that evening for the club's chosen charities. Guests welcome.

Monday 4 May 2009


As part of Christian Aid Week there will be a house-to-house collection in the village between 10th - 17th May. To find out more about how the money you donate will be used check out their website at

Bergholt Heath YFC Results - 3rd May

Under 10
In their last game of the season the under-10 team retained their unbeaten record to add to the championship they had already secured 2 matches ago:

Bergholt Heath 4 - 0 AFC Sudbury
A Sabini (2), L Bloomfield, J Holden

Under 15
Also in their last game, the under-15 team retained their place in the A League:

Bergholt Heath 2 - 4 Maldon Town
B Rout, J Thompson

Friday 1 May 2009

Blowing their trumpets...

Last Saturday (25th April) the West Bergholt Concert Band hosted a free afternoon workshop with local secondary school pupils, continuing its commitment to encourage young musicians to pursue their skills and talent. In the evening the pupils joined with the Band to perform a concert in aid of Muscular Dystrophy at St. Botolph's Church. The evening was a great success, attended by the Mayor and her Consort and local MP, Mr Bob Russell; all expressed their appreciation and enjoyment of the evening. Mr Russell has now attended six of the band's concerts in recent years.

The Band has two concerts coming up in its summer programme, featuring Last Night of the Proms classics plus 'Swing' favourites:
  • Saturday June 23rd (7:30pm) – Westcliff Theatre, Clacton (*)
  • Saturday July 14th (7:30pm) – Stoke By Nayland Golf Club
(*) Concert with the Cavender Singers – in aid of the St Helena Hospice

Further details and ticket availability can be viewed on the band's website or telephone Graham 01206 824157.

The Band is always happy to welcome new members, any player of a brass or woodwind instrument can try out - just turn up at one of their rehearsal evenings at Heathlands School, West Bergholt on any Friday evening during term-time from 6-7pm for Training Band and 7-9pm for Concert Band. The band is particularly interested in welcoming younger musicians into the Training Band.