
Friday 30 November 2007

Bergholt Heath Youth Football Team

The new season is well underway and it is pleasing to report that our latest team, Under 9, is lying second in their league, having won four of their first six games. Our Under 12 team is finding it tough going following their promotion and is looking for more players, so let me know if you have a budding Gareth, Barry or Gabby Agbonlahor (sorry I am biased!)

The two older age groups are progressing well with the Under 13 team mid-table and the Under 14 team blazing the trail at the top of their league. The possibility of a Bergholt Team in the A League next season looks good - but as Stuart Hill, our manager, says - it is a marathon not a sprint. He is clearly over the moon at the moment though!

Our kick-off barbecue provided a great curtain raiser to the season - raising funds for the cause. The Under 14 team will be carrying on the theme for the season by selling burgers and sausages at their home games at Orpen Field - so why not come along, cheer the lads on and tuck in. Hot drinks and other solid and liquid refreshments are always available as well.

The next social event is our traditional bowling evening for the boys on the day of the last game before Christmas. This falls on 16 December and is free to all playing members. More details are obtainable from your manager.

Please continue to support the club and offers of sponsorship on any basis are welcome, be it our awards evening, kit or even a donation!

Leslie Wright, Secretary, Telephone 241438

Tuesday 27 November 2007

What the Rocks Say

That is the title of the next course being run by the WEA.

All are welcome to this series of ten talks by Lynn Porter from Clacton. The aim of the course is to understand the geology of Essex. We will look at some general principles and move on to the particulars of Essex and consider fossil evidence. The story of the rocks will take us through global and regional events and how they affect us.

The course starts on Tuesday 8th January at 8.00 p.m. in the Methodist Hall, Chapel Lane (wheelchair access and LOOP system on request). Standard fee £40 Concessions £34. If uncertain whether this is for you, come and sample the first evening for free with no obligation. Further info. ring secretary on 01206 240791

Road Closures - Spring Lane/Bakers Lane

Closure of Spring Lane & Bakers Lane (as detailed below) is required between 8am on Monday 10th December and 5pm on Friday 14th December to facilitate anti-skid works.
  • Spring Lane – between its junctions with Spring Lane Roundabout and Bakers Lane
  • Bakers Lane – between its junctions with Spring Lane and Braiswick
An alternative route for both closures is available via Cymbeline Way, Station Way, North Station Road and the B1508 Bergholt Road/Braiswick.
Access to property will be maintained during the closure.

Wednesday 21 November 2007

Road Closures at Chitts Hill

Further road closures are planned at the level crossing as follows:
  • Between 1am on Sunday 25th November and 4am on Monday 26th November
  • Between 1am on Sunday 2nd December 2007 and 4am on Monday 3rd December
  • Between 1am on Sunday 9th December 2007 and 4am on Monday 10th December

An alternative route is available via Halstead Road, Spring Lane and Argents Lane.

Access to property will be maintained during the closure. Cyclists, pedestrians, prams and wheelchairs will be able to ride through the closure.

Tuesday 20 November 2007

Christmas Coffee Morning - 24th November

A Christmas Coffee Morning takes place on Saturday 24 November in the Methodist Church hall, Chapel Lane from 10am to 12noon. As well as the usual stalls there will be a mystery parcel stall. Everyone most welcome.

Thursday 8 November 2007

Neighbourhood Watch on the Lookout

Yesterday local community police officers informed the Neighbourhood Watch of a stolen van within an hour of its disappearance; within 10 minutes of that over 30 Neighbourhood Watch volunteers were already keeping their eyes open for it.

This is business as usual for West Bergholt Neighbourhood Watch who are not only ever watchful for crime but always wiling to help the police solve them wherever possible by being their eyes and ears in the village. If you want to add yours to them, find out more about their activities

Women's Institute - November Report

President, Mrs Joyce Woolhead, welcomed guests and new member Winnie Mc Climont who received the revised W I information pack. Mrs Lampon and Mrs Beeching will form a committee for Members Evening.

The secretary asked for toiletries to be brought to the December meeting which will be sent to soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan who do not have families to support them. Post will be free.

The treasurer reminded members that diaries and calendars are ready for collection and the W I subscription for 2008 payable in January will be £27. There will be no coach transport to the carol service in Chelmsford cathedral.

The winners of the competition for 2007 are 1st 'Rene Keates joint second Joyce Hollock and Marie-Louise Fuell.

The AGM followed with guidance from Judith Rose. Joyce Woolhead was re-elected as president.
Bea Girkin gave her report on the half yearly council meeting and members learnt that when the WI was founded the weekly wage in 1917 was £1 and 90 years on it is £206.

There are 4 new WI's in Essex making a total of 224 with membership at 8482.

Following the AGM members enjoyed 3 sketches from the play reading drama group. This included the sketch entered in the Denman Competition by 'Rene Keates who received a very complimentary report on her writing.

Next month is the Christmas party beginning at the earlier time of 7pm and members are reminded to bring knife fork and spoon plus a wineglass.