
Wednesday 20 June 2007

Parish Council Agenda 27th June

The Agenda for the next Parish Council meeting on 27th June has now been published online here.

Monday 18 June 2007

Annual Parish Meeting - Report

Mr John Gili-Ross was re-elected as chairman with Mr Bob Tyrrell as vice-chairman. The chairman thanked Mrs Lampon for the clock she donated in memory of John Lampon. This has been hung in the John Lampon Hall with a plaque.

The Environment committee consists of Messrs Johnson,Colbron, Sleigh, Stevenson and Stone.

The village caretaker was thanked for his hard work which includes litter picking, grass cutting and a quick response to repair work on request. CCTV has been installed to monitor the recycling bins at the Orpen Memorial Hall in an effort to reduce flytipping.

The Editor of the Village Bulletin which is distributed free to 1500 households quarterly thanked Mrs Joyce Lucking who retired from the team in March after working on 110 issues. Advertising is very successful and so the Bulletin pays for itself.

Head of finance thanked Mrs June Mayhew for her work as Hall Administrator.

All allotments are in use and there is now a waiting list.

Dave Kingaby, designer of the village website, gave a presentation of its features and explained how residents, organisations and clubs can access and input information onto the site.

Mr Gili-Ross concluded the evening by welcoming Susanne Bowden, David Short, Chris Sevenson and Harry Stone to the Parish Council following the resignation of two members during the year. He thanked the Neighbourhood Watch team in particular John Ford the co-ordinator.

Women's Institute - June meeting

Vice-president, Pat Moran welcomed members to the June meeting. She announced that two members were interviewed and will appear on BBC 4 during one of the 3 programmes. One of the drama group, Rene Keates, has written a play which will be entered for the Lady Denman Cup. The W I team came third out of 13 teams in the annual village quiz. The event raised £250 for East Anglian Children's Hospice. Crosswords price 50p are still available with closing date 24 July.

The Colchester Group Outing is arranging a trip on 1 September to the Aldeburgh theatre to see Private Lives. Open to non members price £20. Contact Judith on 01206 241969 as soon as possible.

Our WI outing on Wednesday 4 July leaves the Orpen Memorial Hall at 9.30am for Hylands House, Chelmsford. Seats still available. Contact Judith, outings secretary.

The speaker, Mr Rob Gardiner, spoke about birds in our locality. Members then enjoyed a game of 15 to 1 following tea.

There is no meeting in July next one August 1.

Monday 11 June 2007

Village Fayre

The Village Fayre takes place this Saturday (16th June) at Heathlands Primary School, New Church Road beginning at 2pm. There will be numerous stalls run by various village organisations plus plenty of activities for all the family. Refreshments available.

Flower Club Meetings

The Colne Valley Flower Club welcomed Gill McGregor last month with her arrangements entitled As Summer Approaches. Her audience enjoyed her humorous stories as she arranged her flowers. The plant stall raised £65 towards the club's chosen charities for 2007 Haven Mental Health and The Forum YMCA Colchester.

On Wednesday 20 June in the Orpen Memorial Hall Lexden Road Sandra Price from Walton on the Naze will demonstrate with her title Wouldn't it be Lovely beginning at 7.30pm.

Open Gardens

Arranged by the Flower Club:

On Thursday July 5 there will be Open Gardens at Charnwood Wormingford. Open to non-members with parking available at the village hall. All proceeds to the club's charities. Further details on 01787 228117

Thursday 7 June 2007

Waste Disposal/Recycling - Attended Freighter Dates

Colchester Borough Council's 'Attended Refuse Freighter Scheme' will be visiting West Bergholt (Orpen Hall Car Park), on 28th July & 22nd September between 10:45am - 12noon.
  • no fridges or freezers;
  • please bring green garden waste separately to be composted;
  • this service is provided for small loads and from domestic properties, so you can use this service to dispose of bulky items not normally collected with household waste;
  • no commercial refuse or hazardous waste such as asbestos, batteries, liquids, gas bottles;
  • no large loads please.
For more information please telephone 01206 282700

Tuesday 5 June 2007

Minutes online

The minutes of the Annual Parish meeting are now online together with all recent council minutes. Please click here to view them.

Monday 4 June 2007

Coffee Morning - 13th June

There will be a coffee morning in the Methodist Church Hall Chapel Lane on Wednesday 13 June from 10am to 11.30am. Gifts for cake and general stalls will be appreciated. Greetings cards will also be on sale. Coffee or tea and biscuits 50p. Everyone assured of a warm welcome.

Christian Aid

The total amount raised this year is £2,200. The Hunger Lunch realised £75 with the remaining sum equally divided from gift-aided and house to house collection around the village. Grateful thanks to all collectors and contributors.