
Friday 30 March 2007

Coffee Morning - 11th April

The next coffee morning in the Methodist Church Hall is on Wednesday11 April from 10am to 11.30am. Stalls include cakes and general items. Greetings card will be on sale.
£30.34 was raised last month.

Women's Institute - March Report

The vice-president, Pat Moran, welcomed everyone to the Members Meeting. An invitation from Lexden W I for 18 April has been received. Contact our secretary if willing to attend. Dave Kingaby who organises the village wesite has asked for photographs from the W I competition. Sue Leng will collect them for him. Helena Solomn then chaired the Member's Meeting with Helen Lander as secretary. The meeting enjoyed poems written and recited by speaker, Mrs Norma Peckson. The entertainment was circle dancing organised by Claire Short.

Monday 26 March 2007

Palm Sunday - 1st April

A Palm Sunday procession will begin at the Queen's Head pond complete with donkey on 1 April at 9am. This will be followed by a service of rededication in St Mary the Virgin church at 9.30am.The Rt: Reverend Christopher Morgan, Bishop of Colchester, will be the preacher on this occasion.

Open Day - Model Railway Club

The Colchester and District Model Railway Club are holding an Open Day on Sunday 1 April in the Orpen Memorial Hall Lexden Road from 11am to 4.30pm. Light refreshments available with entry free.

Tuesday 13 March 2007

Flower Club Meeting 21st March

The next meeting of the Colne Valley Flower Club takes place on Wednesday 21 March in the Orpen Memorial Hall at 7.30pm. The demonstrator is Janice Swan from Southend with her arrangements entitled 'Designs for all Occasions'.

Christine Jeffries is the new president with Alison Bradshaw as secretary and Clare Heyes is vice-chair to Caroline Dunn.

There is a workshop on table decorations with tutor Angela Vokalek taking place on 24 March in the Scout and Guide HQ Lexden Road from 10.30am to 3.30pm. fee £15. To reserve a place contact Caroline on 01787 228117.

Gardener's Association February & March Meetings

The village gardeners' association welcomed Matthew Tanton Brown to last month's meeting. His talk on plants for problem areas proved very popular as he had brought along an extensive range of plants to suit everyones' needs. On Monday March 19 Tracy Leverett, a senior gardener with Hyde Hall RHS Garden, will be giving an illustrated talk on 'Wildflower Gardening' in the Orpen Memorial Hall Lexden Road at 7.30pm. Preparations are going ahead to ensure that the club's annual charity plant sale on 21 May will be as successful as ever.